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Why is Seneca better remembered than other stoics?

Seneca is generally considered one of the most important Stoic philosophers and is better remembered than many of his contemporaries for several reasons. One reason is that he was a prolific writer, and many of his works have survived to the present day. Additionally, he was a prominent figure in Roman society and politics, which helped to ensure that his ideas and writings were widely known and discussed. Finally, his philosophy, while rooted in Stoicism, was also influenced by other philosophical schools and incorporated elements of tragedy and rhetoric, which made it more interesting and accessible to a wider audience.

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What are some of the ideas he is most known for?

Seneca is known for many of the ideas associated with Stoicism, including the belief in the power of reason, the importance of living in accordance with nature, and the idea that individuals should strive to be indifferent to external events that are beyond their control. He also emphasized the importance of living a virtuous life, practicing self-discipline and self-control, and seeking wisdom and knowledge. Additionally, he is known for his emphasis on the importance of human relationships and the need for individuals to cultivate strong bonds with others in order to live a happy and fulfilled life.

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How did he define a virtuous life?

According to Seneca, a virtuous life is one that is lived in accordance with reason and virtue. He believed that individuals should strive to cultivate the virtues of wisdom, justice, courage, and moderation, and that living in accordance with these virtues was essential to achieving happiness and fulfillment. He also emphasized the importance of practicing self-discipline and self-control in order to live a virtuous life, as well as the need to cultivate strong relationships with others and to contribute to the greater good of society. In general, Seneca believed that a virtuous life was one that was characterized by wisdom, self-control, and a commitment to living in accordance with reason and virtue.

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How did the stoics differ from the Epicureans?

The Stoics and the Epicureans were two philosophical schools that emerged in ancient Greece and Rome. While both schools were concerned with the pursuit of happiness and the good life, they had different ideas about what constituted happiness and how it should be achieved.

The Epicureans, who were followers of the philosopher Epicurus, believed that the key to happiness was the pursuit of pleasure, specifically the absence of physical pain and mental distress. They believed that individuals should focus on their own well-being and avoid getting involved in politics or other external affairs, and that the best way to achieve happiness was to live a simple and self-sufficient life.

In contrast, the Stoics, who were followers of the philosopher Zeno, believed that the key to happiness was the pursuit of virtue and living in accordance with reason and nature. They believed that individuals should strive to cultivate the virtues of wisdom, justice, courage, and moderation, and that living in accordance with these virtues was essential to achieving happiness and fulfillment. They also believed that individuals should be indifferent to external events that were beyond their control, and that the best way to achieve happiness was to focus on one's own thoughts and actions, rather than trying to control external events.

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Which of the two schools has been a bigger influence on modern Western culture?

It is difficult to say which of the two schools, Stoicism or Epicureanism, has had a greater influence on modern Western culture. Both schools of thought have had significant impacts on Western philosophy and culture, and many of their ideas and concepts have been studied and debated by philosophers and scholars over the centuries.

However, it is possible to argue that Stoicism has had a greater influence on modern Western culture in certain ways. For example, the Stoic emphasis on reason, virtue, and self-control has been influential in the development of Western moral and political philosophy, and many of the ethical principles and values that are central to modern Western culture, such as justice and individual rights, can be traced back to Stoic ideas. Additionally, the Stoic emphasis on living in accordance with nature and on being indifferent to external events has been influential in the development of various spiritual and religious traditions in the West, such as Christianity and certain forms of Buddhism.

On the other hand, the Epicurean emphasis on pleasure and the pursuit of happiness has also had a significant impact on modern Western culture. For example, the idea that individuals should seek to maximize their own happiness and well-being has been influential in the development of modern Western conceptions of individualism and personal freedom. Additionally, the Epicurean emphasis on living a simple and self-sufficient life has influenced modern environmentalism and the trend towards sustainability in Western culture.

Overall, it is clear that both Stoicism and Epicureanism have had significant impacts on modern Western culture, and it is difficult to say which of the two has been more influential.