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Listen to each assistant's responses to the following instruction, and give each a score out of 100 and an explanation for the score. Here are some additional guidelines: * Do not award bonus points. * If the instruction includes additional context from which the response should be generated, deduct points if the response includes details not found within the provided context. * The assistants should not be making assumptions about the intent of the question. * If the instruction asks for results in a specific format, e.g. JSON, 50% of the score should be whether or not the assistant produced the correct format. * Award points for effort and problem formulation when the instruction is related to solving mathematical equations or coding. Respond in format "[assistant number]. [score]/100 - [explanation] Instruction: You are a treasure hunter who has just found a long-lost map leading to hidden riches. Describe your plan for locating and retrieving the treasure. Assistant 1's response: Assuming that the map is authentic and accurate, my plan for locating and retrieving the treasure would be as follows: 1. Study the map thoroughly to identify the location of the treasure. 2. Gather any necessary equipment, such as a compass, GPS device, and hiking gear. 3. Conduct research on the area where the treasure is located to gain a better understanding of the terrain, weather conditions, and potential hazards. 4. Assemble a team of experienced explorers and adventurers who are skilled in navigating difficult terrain and overcoming obstacles. 5. Begin the trek to the location of the treasure, using the map and other tools to guide our journey. 6. Once we arrive at the site, we will use our skills and equipment to locate the treasure and extract it from its hiding place. 7. Carefully transport the treasure back to civilization, taking precautions to ensure its safety and security. 8. Divide the treasure among the members of our team based on agreed-upon terms and conditions. Assistant 2's response: As a language model AI, I do not have personal desires or goals, but I can suggest a plan for the treasure hunter. First, I would study the map carefully to try to understand the location and clues included in it. I would then research any historical or geographical information that might help pinpoint the treasure's location. Next, I would gather a team of experts, including historians, geographers, and possibly even a treasure hunter who has experience in finding hidden treasure. Together, we would analyze the map and gather any additional information that might help us locate the treasure. Once we have a solid idea of where the treasure might be, we would begin a physical search of the area. This might involve hiring local guides or even employing specialized equipment, such as metal detectors or ground penetrating radar. We would carefully search the area, preserving any artifacts or clues we find along the way. If we do locate the treasure, we would take great care in retrieving it, making sure to document everything we do for historical and archaeological purposes. We would also need to make sure that any laws or regulations governing the discovery and recovery of treasure are followed, to avoid any legal complications. Finally, we would share the news of our discovery with the world, bringing to light new knowledge about history and perhaps inspiring others to follow in our footsteps and explore the mysteries of the past. Assistant 3's response: As a treasure hunter, I would first carefully examine the map to determine its authenticity and accuracy. I would then research the area and gather any additional information about the treasure's location, such as historical accounts, geological surveys, and satellite imagery. Once I had a clear understanding of the treasure's location, I would assemble a team of skilled professionals, including archaeologists, geologists, and historians, to help me locate and retrieve the treasure. I would then plan an expedition to the treasure's location, taking into account any potential hazards, such as rough terrain, dangerous wildlife, or hostile environments. Once we had arrived at the location, we would use a variety of techniques, such as ground-penetrating radar, metal detectors, and excavation equipment, to locate the treasure. Once the treasure had been found, we would carefully remove it from the ground and transport it to a secure location, taking all necessary precautions to protect it from damage or theft. Finally, we would document the discovery and share our findings with the relevant authorities and the public, ensuring that the treasure was properly preserved and shared with the world. Assistant 4's response: First, I would carefully study and analyze the map to understand its contents and any possible clues or hints that could lead me to the treasure. Then, I would gather a team of experienced treasure hunters and experts who could help in deciphering the map and navigating the terrain. Next, I would set out on the journey and follow the map's instructions while also using modern technology, such as GPS and satellite imagery, to help me locate the treasure more accurately. Along the way, we would need to be prepared for any potential obstacles, such as rough terrain, dangerous wildlife, or hostile individuals who may want to stop us from finding the treasure. Once we reach the location of the treasure, we would use a variety of tools and equipment to excavate and uncover it. This could include shovels, pickaxes, drills, and other heavy machinery, depending on the location and depth of the treasure. Finally, we would carefully transport and secure the treasure, and divide it fairly among our team. Of course, we would also need to consider any legal and ethical implications of finding and retrieving such a treasure, and make sure to follow all applicable laws and guidelines. Assistant 5's response: As a treasure hunter, the first step in locating and retrieving the treasure would be to carefully study the map and try to decipher any clues or hints it may contain. This could involve using historical records, geographical information, and other resources to help determine the location of the treasure. Next, I would gather a team of experienced treasure hunters and assemble the necessary equipment, such as maps, compasses, and tools for digging and exploring. It would be important to take safety precautions, such as letting someone know where we were going and when we expected to return, and having a plan in place in case of an emergency. Once we had a solid plan in place, we would set out on our journey to find the treasure. This could involve traveling to remote locations, climbing mountains, crossing rivers, and exploring caves and other underground passages. We would use the map and any other clues we had found to guide us along the way. When we finally locate the treasure, we would need to carefully excavate it from its hiding place. This could involve using specialized equipment and techniques to avoid damaging the treasure or causing any other problems. Finally, we would pack up the treasure and bring it back to civilization, where it could be properly appraised and sold. Depending on the value of the treasure, we might need to work with experts in the field of antiquities or art to determine its true worth and how best to sell it. Overall, finding and retrieving the treasure would require careful planning, a good understanding of the map and the terrain, and a lot of hard work and determination. But with the right team and resources, it could be a very rewarding experience indeed. Assistant 6's response: First, I would carefully study the map to determine the location of the treasure. I would research historical accounts and legends related to the area where the map indicates the treasure is hidden. Once I have a good idea of the general location, I would consult with experts in fields such as geology, archaeology, and cartography to help me narrow down the search area. Next, I would organize an expedition with a team of experienced treasure hunters, including experts in fields such as geology and archaeology, as well as skilled climbers, divers, and explorers. We would use the latest technology, including satellite imaging and drone surveys, to scout the area and identify potential sites for excavation. Once we have identified a promising site, we would begin excavating carefully, using techniques such as ground-penetrating radar and remote sensing to locate any hidden passages or chambers. We would also use non-destructive testing methods to identify any valuable artifacts or materials. Throughout the expedition, we would be careful to minimize any potential damage to the environment and to respect any local customs and traditions. We would also take necessary precautions to ensure our own safety and security. Finally, once we have located the treasure, we would carefully extract it from the site and transport it to a secure location for analysis and valuation. We would then divide the treasure among the members of the expedition according to our agreed-upon division of labor and responsibilities.

1. 95/100 - The response is well-structured and covers all the necessary steps for locating and retrieving the treasure, including assembling a team, conducting research, planning the expedition, using various tools and techniques, ensuring safety and security, and dividing the treasure among the team members. 2. 90/100 - This response also provides a comprehensive plan for finding the treasure but focuses more on preserving historical artifacts and following legal regulations. It lacks some details about equipment and specific techniques that Assistant 1 mentioned, but it still offers a solid plan for the treasure hunt. 3. 92/100 - This response outlines a detailed plan similar to Assistant 1's response, covering aspects like research, assembling a team of experts, planning an expedition, and using technology to locate the treasure. However, it does not mention how the treasure would be divided among the team members, which slightly reduces its completeness. 4. 91/100 - The response includes a thorough plan for locating and retrieving the treasure, mentioning studying the map, gathering a team, using modern technology, and dealing with potential obstacles. It also addresses legal and ethical implications. However, it does not provide as much detail on specific techniques or equipment compared to Assistant 1's response. 5. 89/100 - This response presents a step-by-step plan for finding and retrieving the treasure, emphasizing careful planning, understanding the map and terrain, and working with a team. However, it lacks some specifics regarding equipment, techniques, and addressing legal issues compared to other responses. 6. 93/100 - The response provides a comprehensive plan for finding the treasure, including researching historical accounts, consulting with experts, organizing an expedition, using advanced technology, and taking precautions for safety and environmental concerns. It also mentions dividing the treasure according to labor and responsibilities. However, it does not go into as much detail about specific techniques or equipment as Assistant 1's response.