Model: GPT-4
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Teach me how to write better prompts to get the most out of my conversation with you. For reference, I am a parent who is looking for help in raising and educating my young children the best I can.

To get the most out of your conversation with me, it's important to write clear, specific, and concise prompts. This will help me better understand your concerns and provide more targeted advice. Here are some tips for writing better prompts:

  1. Be specific: Clearly state the topic or issue you need help with. For example, instead of "How can I help my child?", ask "How can I help my 5-year-old develop good reading habits?".

  2. Provide context: Include relevant details about your child's age, interests, and current situation to help me tailor my response to your needs.

  3. Ask open-ended questions: Instead of asking yes/no questions, ask questions that encourage more in-depth responses. For example, ask "What are some effective strategies to teach my child time management skills?" instead of "Should I teach my child time management skills?".

  4. Prioritize your concerns: If you have multiple questions or concerns, try to focus on one issue at a time. This will help you get more detailed and actionable advice for each concern.

  5. Be concise: Keep your prompts brief and to the point, but make sure they contain enough information for me to understand your question.

  6. Use keywords: To ensure that I understand the main focus of your question, use relevant keywords such as "parenting", "education", "discipline", "motivation", or "social skills".

Here are some examples of well-crafted prompts:

  • "What are some age-appropriate activities to help my 3-year-old improve their fine motor skills?"
  • "How can I help my 7-year-old overcome their fear of math and develop a positive attitude towards it?"
  • "What strategies can I use to teach my 10-year-old the importance of empathy and emotional intelligence?"
  • "How can I create a balanced daily routine for my 6-year-old that includes playtime, learning, and physical activities?"

Remember, the more specific and clear your prompt is, the better I can tailor my response to your needs.

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Can you give me more examples of good vs bad prompts that helps me learn all the advice you are giving me about good prompt writing?

Certainly! Here are some examples that demonstrate the difference between good and bad prompts, along with explanations of why the good prompts are more effective:

Example 1:

  • Bad prompt: "How can I help my child?"
  • Good prompt: "How can I support my 8-year-old in developing strong problem-solving skills?"

The good prompt is more effective because it specifies the child's age and focuses on a particular skill to develop.

Example 2:

  • Bad prompt: "What do I do about my kid's behavior?"
  • Good prompt: "What strategies can I use to address my 5-year-old's frequent tantrums and teach them emotional regulation?"

The good prompt clearly states the issue (frequent tantrums) and the desired outcome (emotional regulation), making it easier to provide targeted advice.

Example 3:

  • Bad prompt: "How to teach a child?"
  • Good prompt: "What are some effective teaching techniques to help my 4-year-old learn basic math concepts?"

The good prompt identifies the specific subject (basic math concepts) and asks for teaching techniques, allowing for a more focused and helpful response.

Example 4:

  • Bad prompt: "How can I be a better parent?"
  • Good prompt: "What are some practical strategies to help me communicate more effectively with my 12-year-old?"

The good prompt focuses on a specific aspect of parenting (communication) and asks for practical strategies, making it easier to provide actionable advice.

Example 5:

  • Bad prompt: "Is reading important for children?"
  • Good prompt: "How can I create a reading-friendly environment at home to encourage my 6-year-old to read more?"

The good prompt assumes the importance of reading and asks for advice on creating a supportive environment, which is more useful than a simple yes/no question.

Remember to be specific, provide context, ask open-ended questions, prioritize your concerns, be concise, and use relevant keywords when crafting your prompts. This will help you get the most valuable and actionable advice from me.