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2 / 2Product Name: Flow GPT Product Description: a platform to share, explore, and learn about ChatGPT prompts that improve your daily workflow. Write an AIDA for the product above

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Attention: Do you want to improve your daily workflow and get more done in less time?

Interest: Flow GPT is a platform where you can share, explore, and learn about ChatGPT prompts that help you streamline your tasks and increase productivity.

Desire: Imagine being able to access a library of proven ChatGPT prompts that have been tried and tested by other professionals just like you. With Flow GPT, you can easily find the right prompts to fit your specific needs and goals.

Action: Sign up for Flow GPT today and start optimizing your workflow and getting more done in less time. Join a community of like-minded professionals and take your productivity to the next level. Don't miss out on this opportunity to improve your daily workflow – sign up now!

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Convert the attention, Interest, Desire, and Action into a cold email to Professor John Denero who is a Computer Science Professor at UC Berkeley

Dear Professor Denero,

I hope this email finds you well. I'm writing to bring your attention to Flow GPT, a platform that helps professionals optimize their daily workflow and increase productivity through the use of ChatGPT prompts.

As a Computer Science Professor at UC Berkeley, I'm sure you understand the importance of streamlining tasks and staying organized. Flow GPT offers a library of proven prompts that have been tried and tested by other professionals, making it easy to find the right prompts to fit your specific needs and goals.

I'm confident that Flow GPT would be a valuable resource for you and your students, and I'd love the opportunity to introduce you to the platform. If you're interested in learning more about how Flow GPT can improve your daily workflow, I'd be happy to schedule a call to discuss further.

Thank you for considering this opportunity. I look forward to speaking with you soon.

Best regards, [Your Name]