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Listen to each assistant's responses to the following instruction, and give each a score out of 100 and an explanation for the score. Here are some additional guidelines: * Do not award bonus points. * If the instruction includes additional context from which the response should be generated, deduct points if the response includes details not found within the provided context. * The assistants should not be making assumptions about the intent of the question. * If the instruction asks for results in a specific format, e.g. JSON, 50% of the score should be whether or not the assistant produced the correct format. * Award points for effort and problem formulation when the instruction is related to solving mathematical equations or coding. Respond in format "[assistant number]. [score]/100 - [explanation] Instruction: How many emails are sent globally each day? Your explanation should take the reader through your reasoning step-by-step. Assistant 1's response: According to various sources, including Radicati Group and The Radicati Group, Inc., approximately 281 billion emails are sent each day globally. Here's how I arrived at this estimate: 1. First, I looked at the total number of email accounts worldwide. As of 2021, there are over 6 billion email accounts in use worldwide. 2. Next, I considered the average number of emails sent per person per day. This varies depending on factors such as job title, industry, and region, but for this estimate, I used the average of 15 emails per day per user. 3. Multiplying the total number of email accounts by the average number of emails per day per person yields approximately 90 trillion emails sent annually. 4. However, emails are not evenly distributed throughout the year, so I calculated the average number of emails sent per day across all days of the year (including leap years). This results in approximately 281 billion emails sent each day. Please note that this is a rough estimate and actual numbers may vary depending on various factors. Assistant 2's response: As of 2021, it is estimated that around 306.4 billion emails are sent globally each day. Here is my reasoning behind this estimate: 1. According to Statista, the number of daily email users worldwide in 2021 is 4.1 billion. 2. To estimate the average number of emails sent per user per day, we can look at a study conducted by Radicati Group. Their 2020 report states that the average number of emails sent and received per day per user is 97. 3. Therefore, to estimate the total number of emails sent globally each day, we can multiply the number of daily email users (4.1 billion) by the average number of emails sent per user per day (97): 4.1 billion x 97 = 397.7 billion 4. However, we need to account for the fact that some people have multiple email accounts, and some emails are sent to multiple recipients. To adjust for this, we can use a conservative estimate that assumes each user has 1.5 email accounts on average, and that 20% of emails are duplicates (sent to multiple recipients). 5. Using these adjustments, we can calculate the estimated total number of unique emails sent globally each day: 4.1 billion x 97 x 1.5 x 0.8 = 306.4 billion Therefore, it is estimated that around 306.4 billion unique emails are sent globally each day, although this number may vary depending on the source and methodology used for calculating it. Assistant 3's response: Estimating the number of emails sent globally each day is a complex task that requires making assumptions and using various sources of data. Here are the steps I took to arrive at an estimate: 1. Determine the number of email accounts: According to data from Radicati, there were approximately 319.6 billion email accounts worldwide as of 2021. 2. Estimate the number of emails sent per account: Assuming an average of one email sent per account per day, we can estimate that there are approximately 319.6 billion emails sent globally each day. 3. Adjust for inactive accounts: It is likely that not all email accounts are active and send emails every day. To account for this, we can assume that only 75% of accounts are active, which would bring the estimate down to approximately 240 billion emails sent globally each day. 4. Adjust for spam and junk emails: Not all emails sent are legitimate or intended for the recipient. To account for this, we can assume that only 50% of emails sent are legitimate, which would further reduce the estimate to approximately 120 billion emails sent globally each day. Please note that these estimates are subject to change based on various factors and should be interpreted with caution. Assistant 4's response: According to a study by the Radicati Group, a technology market research firm, the estimated number of emails sent and received per day globally in 2021 was 286 billion. Here's how I arrived at this figure: 1. Radicati Group is a reputable market research firm that specializes in technology, so their estimates are reliable. 2. According to their 2021 study, the total number of emails sent and received globally in 2021 was estimated to be 286 billion. 3. This figure includes both personal and business emails. 4. The study takes into account the growth in email usage over the past few years and makes projections based on historical trends. 5. Since this is an estimate, the actual number of emails sent and received each day may vary slightly. 6. However, the Radicati Group is a reliable source and has a track record of accurate predictions, so their estimate is likely to be close to the actual number. Assistant 5's response: It is difficult to estimate the exact number of emails sent globally each day, as this number can vary widely depending on a number of factors, such as the number of email users, the frequency of email sending, and the types of emails being sent. However, we can make some reasonable estimates based on available data and trends. First, it is important to understand that the number of email users worldwide has been steadily increasing over time. According to a report by the Radicati Group, a technology research firm, the number of email users worldwide is expected to reach 3.8 billion in 2021. This represents a significant increase from the 1.9 billion email users in 2015. Next, we can estimate the average number of emails sent per user per day. According to a survey by the National Statistics Bureau in the UK, the average office worker sends and receives around 40 emails per day. This number may be higher for some individuals, especially those in roles that require frequent communication, such as sales or customer service. Using these estimates, we can calculate the total number of emails sent per day based on the number of email users and the average number of emails sent per user. If we assume that each email user sends and receives 40 emails per day, the total number of emails sent per day would be around 152 billion (3.8 billion email users x 40 emails per user). However, it is important to note that this is just an estimate and the actual number of emails sent per day may be higher or lower depending on various factors. Additionally, this estimate does not take into account the types of emails being sent, such as marketing emails, newsletters, or other types of commercial messages. In conclusion, while it is difficult to provide an exact number, the estimated number of emails sent globally each day is around 152 billion, based on the number of email users and the average number of emails sent per user. However, this number may vary depending on a number of factors and should be taken as an estimate rather than an exact figure. Assistant 6's response: According to research by Radicati Group, a technology market research firm, an estimated 281 billion emails were sent and received globally each day in 2021. Here's how I arrived at that number: - First, I multiplied the global population of around 7.9 billion people by the average number of emails sent per person per day, which is estimated to be around 74. This gives us a rough estimate of how many emails are sent globally per day: 6.33 trillion emails. - However, not all of those emails are delivered, as some are rejected or filtered out by spam filters. So, I subtracted an estimated 50% of those emails, which gives us a revised estimate of 3.16 trillion emails sent globally per day. - Finally, I divided the revised estimate by the number of active email accounts in the world, which is estimated to be around 5.1 billion. This gives us a more accurate estimate of how many emails are sent per active email account globally per day: 611 emails per account per day. - Therefore, the total number of emails sent globally each day can be estimated to be around 281 billion.

Assistant 1. 90/100 - The response provides a clear step-by-step explanation of the reasoning behind the estimate, using relevant data and sources such as Radicati Group. However, the number of email accounts worldwide seems to be incorrect. Assistant 2. 95/100 - This response offers a detailed and well-reasoned explanation for the estimate, incorporating multiple factors like duplicate emails and multiple accounts per user. It also cites reliable sources like Statista and Radicati Group. Assistant 3. 70/100 - While this response attempts to provide an estimate, it makes several assumptions that are not backed by specific sources or data points. Additionally, the initial number of email accounts is significantly off from other responses. Assistant 4. 85/100 - The response relies on a reputable source (Radicati Group) and explains how their estimate was derived. However, it does not provide a step-by-step breakdown of the calculation process, making it less transparent than some other answers. Assistant 5. 80/100 - This response uses available data and trends to make an estimate but falls short in providing a comprehensive step-by-step explanation. The answer also doesn't account for factors like spam and duplicate emails. Assistant 6. 75/100 - The response tries to provide a step-by-step explanation, but some calculations seem off, such as multiplying the global population by the average number of emails sent per person per day. Also, the final division by active email accounts doesn't make sense in the context provided.