Imagine you are applying for a Google product design internship. Your resume so far is: Bitly: Bitly is a URL link shortener, QRC generator, and a link-in-bio tool. I was an intern on their User Experience Team where I designed a feature that surfaces actionable insights from link data. Magna: Magna is YC-backed startup and we were tasked with designing parts of their product - a web3 investment management web platform. I was a PM and led all phases of the design project. spott: spott is a social map for finding what’s happening around you. I designed screens for a new feature, improved the current UI, developed some screens in the cross-platform Flutter app, and designed a waitlist website to build hype around the app. Answer the following interview questions that I list.
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Imagine you are applying for a Google product design internship. Your resume so far is: Bitly: Bitly is a URL link shortener, QRC generator, and a link-in-bio tool. I was an intern on their User Experience Team where I designed a feature that surfaces actionable insights from link data. Magna: Magna is YC-backed startup and we were tasked with designing parts of their product - a web3 investment management web platform. I was a PM and led all phases of the design project. spott: spott is a social map for finding what’s happening around you. I designed screens for a new feature, improved the current UI, developed some screens in the cross-platform Flutter app, and designed a waitlist website to build hype around the app. Answer the following interview questions that I list.

  1. What led you to pursue a career in product design, and what experiences have you had so far in this field?

I've always been interested in how technology can improve people's lives and make complex tasks simpler. Pursuing a career in product design seemed like the perfect way to make a difference in this space. I've had several experiences in this field, including internships with Bitly and spott, where I designed new features and improved existing UI. I also worked as a PM at Magna, where I led all phases of the design project.

  1. What do you think sets you apart from other candidates applying for this internship?

I believe my diverse background in design, project management, and programming sets me apart from other candidates. This allows me to have a more holistic approach to problem-solving and enables me to work effectively with cross-functional teams. I also have a strong passion for creating user-centric designs that are both visually appealing and intuitive to use.

  1. How do you approach designing products that meet both business goals and user needs?

I approach designing products by first understanding the business goals and the user's needs. I then gather data and feedback from stakeholders, users, and research to create a list of requirements that align with both the business and user goals. From there, I create prototypes that allow me to test and iterate on the design to ensure it meets both sets of needs.

  1. Can you walk us through your design process?

My design process typically begins with research to understand the problem, the user, and the business goals. From there, I create personas and user journeys to help guide the design. Next, I create wireframes and prototypes to test the design with users and stakeholders. I then iterate on the design based on feedback, making sure it meets both user needs and business goals. Finally, I work with the development team to ensure the design is implemented correctly.

  1. How do you stay current with design trends and technologies?

I stay current with design trends and technologies by attending design conferences and workshops, reading design blogs and books, and participating in online design communities. I also like to experiment with new design tools and techniques in my personal projects, which allows me to stay up-to-date with the latest advancements in design.

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Choosing one project from your portfolio, how would you approach this project differently if you were only given half the time to complete it? What would change?

If I were given only half the time to complete one of my projects, I would need to prioritize and streamline the design process to ensure I could deliver a functional product within the given timeframe. The project I would choose for this scenario is my work on Magna, a web3 investment management web platform.

To accommodate the shortened timeline, I would first focus on understanding the most critical user needs and business goals. This would involve conducting rapid user research, prioritizing features, and identifying the most valuable user flows. From there, I would create wireframes and prototypes that focus only on the most important functionalities, prioritizing usability and clarity over aesthetics.

I would also adopt an agile design process, working in short sprints and using continuous feedback loops to iterate and refine the design. This would help me stay focused and ensure that the design is meeting user needs and business goals.

Additionally, I would need to collaborate closely with the development team to ensure the design is implementable within the shorter timeframe. This would involve working closely with them to ensure that they have all the necessary design assets, guidelines, and specifications to execute the design effectively.

In summary, if I were given half the time to complete the Magna project, I would prioritize the most critical features, adopt an agile design process, and collaborate closely with the development team to ensure the design is delivered on time and meets both user needs and business goals.

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What are your core values as a designer?

As a designer, my core values are centered around creating products that are user-centric, accessible, and ethical. Here are some of the specific values that guide my work:

  1. User-Centricity: I believe that the user should be at the center of the design process. This means understanding their needs, behaviors, and motivations and designing products that solve their problems.

  2. Accessibility: I believe that design should be inclusive and accessible to all users, regardless of their abilities. This means designing products that are easy to use, navigate, and understand, regardless of physical or cognitive abilities.

  3. Ethical Design: I believe that design should be ethical and responsible. This means designing products that respect users' privacy, security, and data, and do not contribute to harmful or addictive behaviors.

  4. Collaboration: I believe that design should be a collaborative process. This means working closely with cross-functional teams to understand business goals, user needs, and technical constraints, and to create solutions that meet all of these requirements.

  5. Continuous Learning: I believe that design is an ever-evolving field, and it's essential to stay curious and open to new ideas and technologies. This means continuously learning and experimenting with new design tools and techniques, attending design events, and seeking feedback and mentorship from other designers.

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What do you want to learn during your internship? Why is Google the place for you?

During my internship at Google, I would like to learn more about designing products at scale, working with cutting-edge technologies, and collaborating with a diverse team of designers and engineers.

Specifically, I would like to gain experience in:

  1. Designing products for a global audience: Google has a massive user base across the globe, and designing for such a vast and diverse audience comes with unique challenges. I would like to learn how to design products that are accessible, intuitive, and culturally sensitive to users from different parts of the world.

  2. Applying machine learning and artificial intelligence to design: Google is a leader in machine learning and artificial intelligence, and I would love to learn how to leverage these technologies to enhance the design process and create more intelligent and personalized products.

  3. Collaborating with interdisciplinary teams: Google is known for its collaborative culture, and I believe that working with teams of diverse backgrounds and skillsets can lead to more innovative and effective designs. I would like to learn how to work effectively with designers, engineers, product managers, and other stakeholders to create products that meet both user needs and business goals.

I believe Google is the perfect place for me to achieve these learning goals because it is a company that values innovation, diversity, and creativity. Google has a culture of continuous learning and experimentation, and I believe that this environment will push me to grow and learn as a designer.

Moreover, Google has a massive impact on the world, and as a designer, I would love to be a part of a company that creates products that make a difference in people's lives. I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to Google's mission of making information accessible and useful to everyone, and I believe that this internship would be an incredible opportunity for me to grow both personally and professionally.

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Reword the last few answers with less words and include stories. Be as concise as possible, aiming for brevity and quality. Share the pivotal moments of the story, not the entire narrative from beginning to end.

Q: What do you want to learn during your internship? Why is Google the place for you?

A: At Google, I want to learn how to design products for a global audience, apply AI and ML to design, and collaborate with diverse teams. Google's culture of innovation, diversity, and creativity makes it the perfect place for me to achieve these learning goals. I am excited to contribute to Google's mission of making information accessible and useful to everyone.

Story: During my internship at Bitly, I designed a feature that surfaced actionable insights from link data. Through user research, I discovered that users were struggling to understand the impact of their links. I used this insight to design a feature that presented clear and concise data visualizations, empowering users to make informed decisions about their links. This experience taught me the importance of designing products that solve real user problems.

Q: What are your core values as a designer?

A: My core values as a designer include user-centricity, accessibility, ethical design, collaboration, and continuous learning.

Story: While interning at spott, I redesigned the UI to make it more intuitive and user-friendly. During usability testing, a user with a visual impairment provided feedback that highlighted several issues with the design's accessibility. I worked with the development team to make necessary changes to the design, ensuring that the product was accessible to users with visual impairments. This experience taught me the importance of designing products that are inclusive and accessible to all users.

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Reword the answer to "Choosing one project from your portfolio, how would you approach this project differently if you were only given half the time to complete it? What would change?" with the same approach.

Q: Choosing one project from your portfolio, how would you approach this project differently if you were only given half the time to complete it? What would change?

A: If given half the time to complete a project, I would prioritize the most critical features and simplify the design. I would also collaborate more closely with stakeholders to ensure that we are aligned on the project's goals and scope.

Story: While working as a PM at Magna, I led the design project for a new investment management platform. The initial scope was ambitious, and the timeline was tight. To meet the deadline, we focused on the most critical features and simplified the design, removing unnecessary elements. I collaborated closely with the development team, holding daily standups to ensure that we were on track. This experience taught me the importance of prioritizing and simplifying in a time-constrained project.