Model: Default (GPT-3.5)
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interface TextAreaProps { } const TextArea = ({}: TextAreaProps) => { return (

It looks like you have provided a simple TypeScript code for a functional React component called TextArea. This component accepts an empty object as props (which is not being used in this example) and renders an HTML textarea element with a specified width of 50% and a class name "textarea".

Here's a brief explanation of the code:

  1. interface TextAreaProps declares an interface for the props of the TextArea component. It's currently empty, meaning no specific props are expected.

  2. const TextArea = ({}: TextAreaProps) => { ... }; declares a functional React component called TextArea with an empty object as its props. The props are typed using the TextAreaProps interface.

  3. Inside the TextArea component, a textarea element is being returned. It has an inline style object with a width of 50%, and a className of "textarea".

  4. export default TextArea; exports the TextArea component as the default export of the module, allowing other modules to import and use it.

This code snippet can be used in a React application to render a simple textarea element with a width of 50%.

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I need to hide original text area and need to show typed text in a div

To achieve this, you'll need to use React state to keep track of the typed text, hide the original textarea element, and display the typed text in a separate div. Here's a modified version of your TextArea component:

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import React, { useState } from 'react'; interface TextAreaProps { } const TextArea = ({}: TextAreaProps) => { const [text, setText] = useState(''); const handleInputChange = (e: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLTextAreaElement>) => { setText(; }; return ( <> <textarea style={{ width: "50%", display: "none" }} className="textarea" onChange={handleInputChange} /> <div style={{ width: "50%", whiteSpace: "pre-wrap" }} className="display-text" > {text} </div> </> ); }; export default TextArea;

Here's a summary of the changes:

  1. Import the useState hook from the 'react' library.

  2. Initialize a state variable called text and its updater function setText using useState('').

  3. Create a handleInputChange function that updates the text state with the current value of the textarea element.

  4. Add an onChange event handler to the textarea element and set its value to the handleInputChange function.

  5. Set the textarea's display style to "none" to hide the original textarea element.

  6. Create a new div element with a width of 50% and a class name "display-text". Use the whiteSpace style property with a value of "pre-wrap" to preserve the line breaks and whitespace of the typed text.

  7. Display the text state variable within the new div element.

Now, when you type into the textarea, the typed text will be stored in the text state variable and displayed in the separate div element. The original textarea will be hidden due to the display: "none" style.

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I need it as simple WYSGY editor

To create a simple WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor, you can use a contentEditable div element instead of a textarea. Here's an example of a simple WYSIWYG editor using React:

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import React, { useState, useRef } from 'react'; interface WysiwygEditorProps { } const WysiwygEditor = ({}: WysiwygEditorProps) => { const [content, setContent] = useState(''); const contentEditableRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement | null>(null); const handleInput = () => { if (contentEditableRef.current) { setContent(contentEditableRef.current.innerHTML); } }; return ( <> <div ref={contentEditableRef} contentEditable onInput={handleInput} style={{ width: '50%', minHeight: '100px', border: '1px solid #ccc', padding: '8px', overflow: 'auto', whiteSpace: 'pre-wrap' }} /> <p><strong>HTML Output:</strong></p> <pre>{content}</pre> </> ); }; export default WysiwygEditor;

In this example:

  1. Import the useRef hook from the 'react' library.
  2. Change the component name to WysiwygEditor.
  3. Create a ref for the contentEditable div element using useRef.
  4. Create a handleInput function to update the content state with the current innerHTML of the contentEditable div element.
  5. Replace the textarea element with a div element and add the contentEditable attribute, setting it to true.
  6. Add a ref attribute to the contentEditable div and set its value to contentEditableRef.
  7. Add an onInput event handler to the contentEditable div and set its value to the handleInput function.
  8. Adjust the styling of the contentEditable div as desired.
  9. Add an HTML Output section to display the typed content as HTML.

This simple WYSIWYG editor component will allow users to type formatted text, and the content will be rendered as HTML below the editor.

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Its TextArea

I apologize for the confusion. Here's a modified version of the TextArea component that functions as a simple WYSIWYG editor:

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import React, { useState, useRef } from 'react'; interface TextAreaProps { } const TextArea = ({}: TextAreaProps) => { const [content, setContent] = useState(''); const contentEditableRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement | null>(null); const handleInput = () => { if (contentEditableRef.current) { setContent(contentEditableRef.current.innerHTML); } }; return ( <> <div ref={contentEditableRef} contentEditable onInput={handleInput} style={{ width: '50%', minHeight: '100px', border: '1px solid #ccc', padding: '8px', overflow: 'auto', whiteSpace: 'pre-wrap' }} /> <p><strong>HTML Output:</strong></p> <pre>{content}</pre> </> ); }; export default TextArea;

This modified TextArea component uses a contentEditable div element instead of a textarea element to function as a simple WYSIWYG editor. The contentEditable div element allows users to input formatted text, and the typed content is displayed as HTML below the editor.

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import React, {useState, useRef} from 'react'; interface TextAreaProps { } const TextArea = ({}: TextAreaProps) =&gt; { const [content, setContent] = useState(''); const contentEditableRef = useRef(null); const handleInput = () =&gt; { if (contentEditableRef.current) { setContent(contentEditableRef.current.innerHTML); } }; return ( &lt;&gt; <div> <span>Im suggestion</span> </div> &lt;/&gt; ); }; export default TextArea; Here cursor should always add this tag on click if tag is not there <span>Im suggestion</span>

To achieve this, you can create a custom onClick handler for the contentEditable div that inserts the specified span element at the cursor position if it doesn't already exist. You'll need to use the browser's document.getSelection() method to get the current selection and update the content accordingly.

Here's the modified TextArea component:

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import React, { useState, useRef } from 'react'; interface TextAreaProps { } const TextArea = ({}: TextAreaProps) => { const [content, setContent] = useState(''); const contentEditableRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement | null>(null); const handleInput = () => { if (contentEditableRef.current) { setContent(contentEditableRef.current.innerHTML); } }; const handleClick = () => { const selection = document.getSelection(); if (selection && selection.rangeCount > 0) { const range = selection.getRangeAt(0); const existingSuggestion = range.commonAncestorContainer.parentElement; const isSuggestion = existingSuggestion && === '#ccc'; if (!isSuggestion) { const suggestion = document.createElement('span'); suggestion.innerHTML = 'I\'m suggestion'; = '#ccc'; range.deleteContents(); range.insertNode(suggestion); if (contentEditableRef.current) { setContent(contentEditableRef.current.innerHTML); } } } }; return ( <> <div ref={contentEditableRef} contentEditable onInput={handleInput} onClick={handleClick} style={{ width: '50%', minHeight: '100px', border: '1px solid #ccc', padding: '8px', overflow: 'auto', whiteSpace: 'pre-wrap', textAlign: 'left' }} /> </> ); }; export default TextArea;

I've added the following changes to the code:

  1. Create a handleClick function that gets the current selection using document.getSelection(). It checks if the selected content is already within the specified span element. If not, it creates a new span element with the specified style and inserts it at the cursor position.

  2. Add an onClick event handler to the contentEditable div and set its value to the handleClick function.

Now, when you click inside the contentEditable div, it will insert the specified span element at the cursor position if it's not already there.

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Show it always on type with faded color

To show the specified span element with a faded color while typing, you can modify the handleInput function to update the content and apply the faded color style. Here's the updated TextArea component:

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import React, { useState, useRef, useEffect } from 'react'; interface TextAreaProps { } const TextArea = ({}: TextAreaProps) => { const [content, setContent] = useState(''); const contentEditableRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement | null>(null); const updateContentWithFadedColor = (html: string) => { const parser = new DOMParser(); const doc = parser.parseFromString(html, 'text/html'); const textNodes = doc.body.childNodes; for (let i = 0; i < textNodes.length; i++) { const node = textNodes[i]; if (node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) { const span = document.createElement('span'); = '#ccc'; span.textContent = node.textContent; doc.body.replaceChild(span, node); } } return doc.body.innerHTML; }; const handleInput = () => { if (contentEditableRef.current) { const updatedContent = updateContentWithFadedColor(contentEditableRef.current.innerHTML); setContent(updatedContent); contentEditableRef.current.innerHTML = updatedContent; } }; useEffect(() => { handleInput(); }, []); return ( <> <div ref={contentEditableRef} contentEditable onInput={handleInput} style={{ width: '50%', minHeight: '100px', border: '1px solid #ccc', padding: '8px', overflow: 'auto', whiteSpace: 'pre-wrap', textAlign: 'left' }} /> </> ); }; export default TextArea;

Here are the changes made to the code:

  1. Create an updateContentWithFadedColor function that takes an HTML string as input. It parses the string, iterates through the text nodes, and wraps them in a new span element with the faded color style.

  2. Modify the handleInput function to use the updateContentWithFadedColor function to update the content and apply the faded color style.

  3. Add a useEffect hook to run the handleInput function when the component mounts. This ensures that the initial content is styled with the faded color.

Now, when you type inside the contentEditable div, the text will appear with a faded color as specified.

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It has a bug now its adding text to hint but not my typing. its feel like im adding text into a Q

I apologize for the confusion. The previous implementation wrapped all text nodes in a span with a faded color. Let's modify the code to only show the hint text with the faded color, while allowing you to type normally.

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import React, { useState, useRef, useEffect } from 'react'; interface TextAreaProps { } const TextArea = ({}: TextAreaProps) => { const [content, setContent] = useState(''); const contentEditableRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement | null>(null); const handleInput = () => { if (contentEditableRef.current) { setContent(contentEditableRef.current.innerHTML); } }; useEffect(() => { if (contentEditableRef.current) { const hintSpan = document.createElement('span'); = '#ccc'; hintSpan.textContent = "I'm suggestion"; contentEditableRef.current.appendChild(hintSpan); } }, []); return ( <> <div ref={contentEditableRef} contentEditable onInput={handleInput} style={{ width: '50%', minHeight: '100px', border: '1px solid #ccc', padding: '8px', overflow: 'auto', whiteSpace: 'pre-wrap', textAlign: 'left' }} /> </> ); }; export default TextArea;

Here are the changes made to the code:

  1. Remove the updateContentWithFadedColor function.
  2. Revert the handleInput function to its original implementation, updating the content state with the current innerHTML of the contentEditable div.
  3. Modify the useEffect hook to create a hint span element with the faded color style and append it to the contentEditable div when the component mounts.

Now, the hint text will appear with a faded color, and you'll be able to type normally.

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Now its show nothing

Apologies for the confusion. The hint text is not showing up as intended. Let's add a placeholder to the contentEditable div to show the hint text when the div is empty.

Here's the updated TextArea component:

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import React, { useState, useRef, useEffect } from 'react'; interface TextAreaProps { } const TextArea = ({}: TextAreaProps) => { const [content, setContent] = useState(''); const [isFocused, setIsFocused] = useState(false); const contentEditableRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement | null>(null); const handleInput = () => { if (contentEditableRef.current) { setContent(contentEditableRef.current.innerHTML); } }; const handleFocus = () => { setIsFocused(true); }; const handleBlur = () => { setIsFocused(false); }; const showPlaceholder = !isFocused && content === ''; return ( <> <div ref={contentEditableRef} contentEditable onInput={handleInput} onFocus={handleFocus} onBlur={handleBlur} style={{ width: '50%', minHeight: '100px', border: '1px solid #ccc', padding: '8px', overflow: 'auto', whiteSpace: 'pre-wrap', textAlign: 'left', position: 'relative' }} > {showPlaceholder && ( <span style={{ position: 'absolute', pointerEvents: 'none', color: '#ccc' }} > I'm suggestion </span> )} </div> </> ); }; export default TextArea;

Here are the changes made to the code:

  1. Add a new state isFocused to keep track of the focus state of the contentEditable div.
  2. Create handleFocus and handleBlur functions to update the isFocused state when the contentEditable div gains or loses focus.
  3. Add onFocus and onBlur event handlers to the contentEditable div and set their values to handleFocus and handleBlur, respectively.
  4. Define a showPlaceholder variable that is true when the contentEditable div is not focused and its content is empty.
  5. Add a conditionally rendered span element with an absolute position inside the contentEditable div. This span element will display the hint text with a faded color when the showPlaceholder variable is true.

Now, the TextArea component will show the hint text with a faded color when it's empty and not focused, and you'll be able to type normally.

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I want to show it alwayas. exmaple When I type "I want to go" then "home" should be shown as a faded text When I type "I Love" then next to my cursor faded text should be "You"

I see what you're looking for now. You want to display the suggestion text next to the cursor while typing. Here's an updated implementation of the TextArea component that achieves this:

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import React, { useState, useRef, useEffect } from 'react'; interface TextAreaProps { } const TextArea = ({}: TextAreaProps) => { const [content, setContent] = useState(''); const contentEditableRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement | null>(null); const suggestionRef = useRef<HTMLSpanElement | null>(null); const handleInput = () => { if (contentEditableRef.current) { setContent(contentEditableRef.current.textContent || ''); } }; const handleKeyUp = () => { if (contentEditableRef.current && suggestionRef.current) { const selection = document.getSelection(); if (selection && selection.rangeCount > 0) { const range = selection.getRangeAt(0); const rect = range.getBoundingClientRect(); = `${rect.right - contentEditableRef.current.getBoundingClientRect().left}px`; = `${rect.bottom - contentEditableRef.current.getBoundingClientRect().top}px`; } } }; const getSuggestion = (content: string) => { if (content.endsWith('I want to go')) { return 'home'; } else if (content.endsWith('I Love')) { return 'You'; } else { return ''; } }; const suggestion = getSuggestion(content); return ( <> <div ref={contentEditableRef} contentEditable onInput={handleInput} onKeyUp={handleKeyUp} style={{ width: '50%', minHeight: '100px', border: '1px solid #ccc', padding: '8px', overflow: 'auto', whiteSpace: 'pre-wrap', textAlign: 'left', position: 'relative' }} > {suggestion && ( <span ref={suggestionRef} style={{ position: 'absolute', pointerEvents: 'none', color: '#ccc' }} > {suggestion} </span> )} </div> </> ); }; export default TextArea;

Here are the changes made to the code:

  1. Create a new suggestionRef using useRef to store a reference to the suggestion span element.
  2. Add a handleKeyUp function that updates the position of the suggestion span element based on the cursor position. Attach this function to the contentEditable div's onKeyUp event.
  3. Create a getSuggestion function that returns the appropriate suggestion text based on the current content.
  4. Update the conditionally rendered suggestion span element to display the suggestion text returned by the getSuggestion function.

Now, when you type "I want to go" or "I Love", the corresponding suggestion "home" or "You" will appear next to the cursor with a faded color.

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It has a issue all replaced with the suggestion. need to add it to end of the cursor with avilable other text as they typed

I understand the issue now. You want to insert the suggestion text at the end of the cursor without replacing the existing text. Here's an updated implementation of the TextArea component that achieves this:

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import React, { useState, useRef, useEffect } from 'react'; interface TextAreaProps { } const TextArea = ({}: TextAreaProps) => { const [content, setContent] = useState(''); const contentEditableRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement | null>(null); const suggestionRef = useRef<HTMLSpanElement | null>(null); const handleInput = () => { if (contentEditableRef.current) { setContent(contentEditableRef.current.innerHTML); } }; const handleKeyUp = () => { if (contentEditableRef.current && suggestionRef.current) { const selection = document.getSelection(); if (selection && selection.rangeCount > 0) { const range = selection.getRangeAt(0); const rect = range.getBoundingClientRect(); = `${rect.right - contentEditableRef.current.getBoundingClientRect().left}px`; = `${rect.bottom - contentEditableRef.current.getBoundingClientRect().top}px`; } } }; const handleClick = () => { const selection = document.getSelection(); if (selection && selection.rangeCount > 0) { const range = selection.getRangeAt(0); const suggestion = getSuggestion(content); if (suggestion) { const textNode = document.createTextNode(suggestion); range.insertNode(textNode); range.setStartAfter(textNode); range.collapse(true); selection.removeAllRanges(); selection.addRange(range); if (contentEditableRef.current) { setContent(contentEditableRef.current.innerHTML); } } } }; const getSuggestion = (content: string) => { if (content.endsWith('I want to go')) { return ' home'; } else if (content.endsWith('I Love')) { return ' You'; } else { return ''; } }; const suggestion = getSuggestion(content); return ( <> <div ref={contentEditableRef} contentEditable onInput={handleInput} onKeyUp={handleKeyUp} onClick={handleClick} style={{ width: '50%', minHeight: '100px', border: '1px solid #ccc', padding: '8px', overflow: 'auto', whiteSpace: 'pre-wrap', textAlign: 'left', position: 'relative' }} > {suggestion && ( <span ref={suggestionRef} style={{ position: 'absolute', pointerEvents: 'none', color: '#ccc' }} > {suggestion} </span> )} </div> </> ); }; export default TextArea;

Here are the changes made to the code:

  1. Modify the handleClick function to insert the suggestion text at the cursor position without replacing the existing text. This is done by creating a new text node with the suggestion text, inserting the text node at the cursor position, and updating the selection.

Now, when you click on the contentEditable div, it will insert the suggestion text at the cursor position without replacing the existing text.

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still same

I apologize for the confusion. I misunderstood your requirement earlier. Let's update the code to show the suggestion as a faded text after the typed text without replacing it.

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import React, { useState, useRef, useEffect } from 'react'; interface TextAreaProps { } const TextArea = ({}: TextAreaProps) => { const [content, setContent] = useState(''); const contentEditableRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement | null>(null); const suggestionRef = useRef<HTMLSpanElement | null>(null); const handleInput = () => { if (contentEditableRef.current) { setContent(contentEditableRef.current.textContent || ''); } }; const handleKeyUp = () => { if (contentEditableRef.current && suggestionRef.current) { const selection = document.getSelection(); if (selection && selection.rangeCount > 0) { const range = selection.getRangeAt(0); const rect = range.getBoundingClientRect(); = `${rect.right - contentEditableRef.current.getBoundingClientRect().left}px`; = `${rect.bottom - contentEditableRef.current.getBoundingClientRect().top}px`; } } }; const getSuggestion = (content: string) => { if (content.endsWith('I want to go')) { return ' home'; } else if (content.endsWith('I Love')) { return ' You'; } else { return ''; } }; const suggestion = getSuggestion(content); return ( <> <div ref={contentEditableRef} contentEditable onInput={handleInput} onKeyUp={handleKeyUp} style={{ width: '50%', minHeight: '100px', border: '1px solid #ccc', padding: '8px', overflow: 'auto', whiteSpace: 'pre-wrap', textAlign: 'left', position: 'relative' }} /> {suggestion && ( <span ref={suggestionRef} style={{ position: 'absolute', pointerEvents: 'none', color: '#ccc' }} > {suggestion} </span> )} </> ); }; export default TextArea;

In this updated version, I've moved the suggestion span outside of the contentEditable div. This way, the suggestion will be displayed next to the typed text, and it won't be inserted into the contentEditable div.

Now, when you type "I want to go" or "I Love", the corresponding suggestion "home" or "You" will appear next to the cursor with a faded color without being added to the content.

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import React, { useState, useRef, useEffect } from 'react'; interface TextAreaProps { } const TextArea = ({}: TextAreaProps) =&gt; { const [content, setContent] = useState(''); const contentEditableRef = useRef(null); const suggestionRef = useRef(null); const handleInput = () =&gt; { if (contentEditableRef.current) { setContent(contentEditableRef.current.textContent || ''); } }; const handleKeyUp = () =&gt; { if (contentEditableRef.current &amp;&amp; suggestionRef.current) { const selection = document.getSelection(); if (selection &amp;&amp; selection.rangeCount &gt; 0) { const range = selection.getRangeAt(0); const rect = range.getBoundingClientRect(); = `${rect.right - contentEditableRef.current.getBoundingClientRect().left}px`; = `${rect.bottom - contentEditableRef.current.getBoundingClientRect().top}px`; } } }; const getSuggestion = (content: string) =&gt; { return "suggestion" }; const suggestion = getSuggestion(content); return ( &lt;&gt; <div> {suggestion &amp;&amp; ( <span> {suggestion} </span> )} &lt;/&gt; ); }; export default TextArea; I have modified it to this to have always sugesstion. Now Its working</div>

I'm glad the updated implementation is working for you! It now displays the suggestion "suggestion" as a faded text next to the cursor while typing in the contentEditable div. If you have any more questions or need further assistance, please feel free to ask.

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I found another small issues. suggestion not showing next my cursor but its in next line next to the cursor possition

I see. To ensure the suggestion is displayed next to the cursor on the same line, we can make a small adjustment to the handleKeyUp function.

Update the handleKeyUp function as follows:

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const handleKeyUp = () => { if (contentEditableRef.current && suggestionRef.current) { const selection = document.getSelection(); if (selection && selection.rangeCount > 0) { const range = selection.getRangeAt(0); const rect = range.getBoundingClientRect(); const divRect = contentEditableRef.current.getBoundingClientRect(); = `${rect.right - divRect.left}px`; = `${ - + window.scrollY}px`; } } };

The change here is to adjust the top position of the suggestion span by using instead of rect.bottom. We also add window.scrollY to account for the page scroll.

With this change, the suggestion should now appear next to the cursor on the same line while typing in the contentEditable div.

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wow amazing its worked as I expected.

I'm glad to hear that it's working as expected! If you have any more questions or need further assistance, please don't hesitate to ask. I'm here to help. Enjoy your new WYSIWYG editor with suggestions!

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Suggest me a good name for this library

Naming a library is an important part of its branding and discoverability. Based on the functionality of this library, which provides a contentEditable div with context-based suggestions, I would suggest the name:


This name combines the ideas of "smart" suggestions and "scribe" as a writer, reflecting the library's purpose of assisting users with their typing.

Of course, feel free to modify the name or come up with something completely different that resonates with your vision for the library. Good luck, and I hope your library becomes popular and widely used!

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Update component with this name

I have updated the component name to SmartScribe. Here's the updated code:

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import React, { useState, useRef, useEffect } from 'react'; interface SmartScribeProps { } const SmartScribe = ({}: SmartScribeProps) => { const [content, setContent] = useState(''); const contentEditableRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement | null>(null); const suggestionRef = useRef<HTMLSpanElement | null>(null); const handleInput = () => { if (contentEditableRef.current) { setContent(contentEditableRef.current.textContent || ''); } }; const handleKeyUp = () => { if (contentEditableRef.current && suggestionRef.current) { const selection = document.getSelection(); if (selection && selection.rangeCount > 0) { const range = selection.getRangeAt(0); const rect = range.getBoundingClientRect(); const divRect = contentEditableRef.current.getBoundingClientRect(); = `${rect.right - divRect.left}px`; = `${ - + window.scrollY}px`; } } }; const getSuggestion = (content: string) => { return "suggestion"; }; const suggestion = getSuggestion(content); return ( <> <div ref={contentEditableRef} contentEditable onInput={handleInput} onKeyUp={handleKeyUp} style={{ width: '50%', minHeight: '100px', border: '1px solid #ccc', padding: '8px', overflow: 'auto', whiteSpace: 'pre-wrap', textAlign: 'left', position: 'relative' }} /> {suggestion && ( <span ref={suggestionRef} style={{ position: 'absolute', pointerEvents: 'none', color: '#ccc' }} > {suggestion} </span> )} </> ); }; export default SmartScribe;

Now the component is named SmartScribe. You can use this component in your application by importing and using the SmartScribe component.

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Add parameters to handle inputs and add suggestions on typing. also need to add placeholder and inputtext id

Here's an updated version of the SmartScribe component that takes placeholder, inputTextId, and a getSuggestion function as props, allowing for more customization:

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import React, { useState, useRef, useEffect } from 'react'; interface SmartScribeProps { placeholder?: string; inputTextId?: string; getSuggestion?: (text: string) => string; } const SmartScribe: React.FC<SmartScribeProps> = ({ placeholder, inputTextId, getSuggestion = () => "" }) => { const [content, setContent] = useState(''); const contentEditableRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement | null>(null); const suggestionRef = useRef<HTMLSpanElement | null>(null); const handleInput = () => { if (contentEditableRef.current) { setContent(contentEditableRef.current.textContent || ''); } }; const handleKeyUp = () => { if (contentEditableRef.current && suggestionRef.current) { const selection = document.getSelection(); if (selection && selection.rangeCount > 0) { const range = selection.getRangeAt(0); const rect = range.getBoundingClientRect(); const divRect = contentEditableRef.current.getBoundingClientRect(); = `${rect.right - divRect.left}px`; = `${ - + window.scrollY}px`; } } }; useEffect(() => { if (contentEditableRef.current && placeholder) { contentEditableRef.current.setAttribute('data-placeholder', placeholder); } }, [placeholder]); const suggestionText = getSuggestion(content); return ( <> <div ref={contentEditableRef} contentEditable onInput={handleInput} onKeyUp={handleKeyUp} id={inputTextId} style={{ width: '50%', minHeight: '100px', border: '1px solid #ccc', padding: '8px', overflow: 'auto', whiteSpace: 'pre-wrap', textAlign: 'left', position: 'relative' }} /> {suggestionText && ( <span ref={suggestionRef} style={{ position: 'absolute', pointerEvents: 'none', color: '#ccc' }} > {suggestionText} </span> )} </> ); }; export default SmartScribe;

Now you can pass a placeholder, inputTextId, and a custom getSuggestion function to the SmartScribe component. The placeholder will be displayed when the content is empty, the inputTextId will be set as the id attribute of the contentEditable div, and the custom getSuggestion function will be used to provide suggestions based on the typed text. If no getSuggestion function is provided, an empty string will be used as the default suggestion.

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need ontype prop to get updateed value and no need to have inputTextID

Here's the updated SmartScribe component with an onType prop that gets called with the updated value each time the user types, and the inputTextId prop has been removed:

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import React, { useState, useRef, useEffect } from 'react'; interface SmartScribeProps { placeholder?: string; onType?: (text: string) => void; getSuggestion?: (text: string) => string; } const SmartScribe: React.FC<SmartScribeProps> = ({ placeholder, onType, getSuggestion = () => "" }) => { const [content, setContent] = useState(''); const contentEditableRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement | null>(null); const suggestionRef = useRef<HTMLSpanElement | null>(null); const handleInput = () => { if (contentEditableRef.current) { const text = contentEditableRef.current.textContent || ''; setContent(text); if (onType) { onType(text); } } }; const handleKeyUp = () => { if (contentEditableRef.current && suggestionRef.current) { const selection = document.getSelection(); if (selection && selection.rangeCount > 0) { const range = selection.getRangeAt(0); const rect = range.getBoundingClientRect(); const divRect = contentEditableRef.current.getBoundingClientRect(); = `${rect.right - divRect.left}px`; = `${ - + window.scrollY}px`; } } }; useEffect(() => { if (contentEditableRef.current && placeholder) { contentEditableRef.current.setAttribute('data-placeholder', placeholder); } }, [placeholder]); const suggestionText = getSuggestion(content); return ( <> <div ref={contentEditableRef} contentEditable onInput={handleInput} onKeyUp={handleKeyUp} style={{ width: '50%', minHeight: '100px', border: '1px solid #ccc', padding: '8px', overflow: 'auto', whiteSpace: 'pre-wrap', textAlign: 'left', position: 'relative' }} /> {suggestionText && ( <span ref={suggestionRef} style={{ position: 'absolute', pointerEvents: 'none', color: '#ccc' }} > {suggestionText} </span> )} </> ); }; export default SmartScribe;

Now you can pass an onType function to the SmartScribe component. This function will be called with the updated content each time the user types. The inputTextId prop has been removed as requested.

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create readme file for this

Here's a sample file for the SmartScribe library:

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# SmartScribe SmartScribe is a React-based WYSIWYG text editor component that provides context-based suggestions as you type. ## Features - Customizable placeholder text - Context-based suggestions - Easy to use React component ## Installation You can install the SmartScribe library using npm: ```sh npm install smart-scribe


Here's a simple example of how to use the SmartScribe component in your application:

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import React from 'react'; import SmartScribe from 'smart-scribe'; const App: React.FC = () => { const handleType = (text: string) => { console.log('Updated content:', text); }; const getSuggestion = (text: string) => { // Return a context-based suggestion based on the text return "suggestion"; }; return ( <div className="App"> <SmartScribe placeholder="Type here..." onType={handleType} getSuggestion={getSuggestion} /> </div> ); }; export default App;


placeholderstring (optional)''Placeholder text to be displayed when the content is empty
onType(text: string) => void (optional)nullFunction to be called with the updated content each time the user types
getSuggestion(text: string) => string (optional)() => ""Function to provide a context-based suggestion based on the typed text


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.

vbnetCopy code
You can create a file in your project's root directory and paste this content into it. This README file provides a brief introduction to the SmartScribe library, its features, installation and usage instructions, props documentation, and licensing information. You can further customize it to fit the needs of your library.
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Show them in one single markdown file

Sure! Here's an updated version of the SmartScribe component with an example usage and a file:

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import React, { useState, useRef, useEffect } from 'react'; interface SmartScribeProps { placeholder?: string; onType?: (text: string) => void; getSuggestion?: (text: string) => string; } const SmartScribe: React.FC<SmartScribeProps> = ({ placeholder, onType, getSuggestion = () => "" }) => { const [content, setContent] = useState(''); const contentEditableRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement | null>(null); const suggestionRef = useRef<HTMLSpanElement | null>(null); const handleInput = () => { if (contentEditableRef.current) { const text = contentEditableRef.current.textContent || ''; setContent(text); if (onType) { onType(text); } } }; const handleKeyUp = () => { if (contentEditableRef.current && suggestionRef.current) { const selection = document.getSelection(); if (selection && selection.rangeCount > 0) { const range = selection.getRangeAt(0); const rect = range.getBoundingClientRect(); const divRect = contentEditableRef.current.getBoundingClientRect(); = `${rect.right - divRect.left}px`; = `${ - + window.scrollY}px`; } } }; useEffect(() => { if (contentEditableRef.current && placeholder) { contentEditableRef.current.setAttribute('data-placeholder', placeholder); } }, [placeholder]); const suggestionText = getSuggestion(content); return ( <> <div ref={contentEditableRef} contentEditable onInput={handleInput} onKeyUp={handleKeyUp} style={{ width: '50%', minHeight: '100px', border: '1px solid #ccc', padding: '8px', overflow: 'auto', whiteSpace: 'pre-wrap', textAlign: 'left', position: 'relative' }} /> {suggestionText && ( <span ref={suggestionRef} style={{ position: 'absolute', pointerEvents: 'none', color: '#ccc' }} > {suggestionText} </span> )} </> ); }; export default SmartScribe;

Example Usage

Here's a simple example of how to use the SmartScribe component in your application:

tsxCopy code
import React from 'react'; import SmartScribe from './SmartScribe'; const App: React.FC = () => { const handleType = (text: string) => { console.log('Updated content:', text); }; const getSuggestion = (text: string) => { // Return a context-based suggestion based on the text return "suggestion"; }; return ( <div className="App"> <SmartScribe placeholder="Type here..." onType={handleType} getSuggestion={getSuggestion} /> </div> ); }; export default App;


placeholderstring (optional)''Placeholder text to be displayed when the content is empty
onType(text: string) => void (optional)nullFunction to be called with the updated content each time the user types
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No I mean put everything in one single read me file as markdown

Sure, here's the complete file with the SmartScribe component code, usage instructions, and props documentation:

csharpCopy code
# SmartScribe SmartScribe is a React-based WYSIWYG text editor component that provides context-based suggestions as you type. ## Features - Customizable placeholder text - Context-based suggestions - Easy to use React component ## Installation You can install the SmartScribe library using npm: ```sh npm install smart-scribe


Here's a simple example of how to use the SmartScribe component in your application:

tsxCopy code
import React from 'react'; import SmartScribe from 'smart-scribe'; const App: React.FC = () => { const handleType = (text: string) => { console.log('Updated content:', text); }; const getSuggestion = (text: string) => { // Return a context-based suggestion based on the text return "suggestion"; }; return ( <div className="App"> <SmartScribe placeholder="Type here..." onType={handleType} getSuggestion={getSuggestion} /> </div> ); }; export default App;

SmartScribe Component

tsxCopy code
import React, { useState, useRef, useEffect } from 'react'; interface SmartScribeProps { placeholder?: string; onType?: (text: string) => void; getSuggestion?: (text: string) => string; } const SmartScribe: React.FC<SmartScribeProps> = ({ placeholder, onType, getSuggestion = () => "" }) => { const [content, setContent] = useState(''); const contentEditableRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement | null>(null); const suggestionRef = useRef<HTMLSpanElement | null>(null); const handleInput = () => { if (contentEditableRef.current) { const text = contentEditableRef.current.textContent || ''; setContent(text); if (onType) { onType(text); } } }; const handleKeyUp = () => { if (contentEditableRef.current && suggestionRef.current) { const selection = document.getSelection(); if (selection && selection.rangeCount > 0) { const range = selection.getRangeAt(0); const rect = range.getBoundingClientRect(); const divRect = contentEditableRef.current.getBoundingClientRect(); = `${rect.right - divRect.left}px`; = `${ - + window.scrollY}px`; } } }; useEffect(() => { if (contentEditableRef.current && placeholder) { contentEditableRef.current.setAttribute('data-placeholder', placeholder); } }, [placeholder]); const suggestionText = getSuggestion(content); return ( <> <div ref={contentEditableRef} contentEditable onInput={handleInput} onKeyUp={handleKeyUp} style={{ width: '50%', minHeight: '100px', border: '1px solid #ccc', padding: '8px', overflow: 'auto', whiteSpace: 'pre-wrap', textAlign: 'left', position: 'relative' }} /> {suggestionText && ( <span ref={suggestionRef} style={{ position: 'absolute', pointerEvents: 'none', color: '#ccc' }} > {suggestionText} </span> )} </> ); }; export default SmartScribe;


| Prop | Type | Default |

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I want simple readme with introduiction

Sure! Here's a simple file for the SmartScribe library:

csharpCopy code
# SmartScribe SmartScribe is a React-based WYSIWYG text editor component that provides context-based suggestions as you type. ## Installation You can install the SmartScribe library using npm: ```sh npm install smart-scribe


  • Customizable placeholder text
  • Context-based suggestions
  • Easy to use React component


Here's a simple example of how to use the SmartScribe component in your application:

tsxCopy code
import React from 'react'; import SmartScribe from 'smart-scribe'; const App: React.FC = () => { const handleType = (text: string) => { console.log('Updated content:', text); }; const getSuggestion = (text: string) => { // Return a context-based suggestion based on the text return "suggestion"; }; return ( <div className="App"> <SmartScribe placeholder="Type here..." onType={handleType} getSuggestion={getSuggestion} /> </div> ); }; export default App;


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.

cssCopy code
This README file provides a brief introduction to the SmartScribe library, its installation instructions, features, usage instructions, and licensing information.
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Its rendered. can you re write it as a markdown file contain all above write as a last response

Sure! Here's a markdown file that contains everything I wrote in my previous responses:

csharpCopy code
# SmartScribe SmartScribe is a React-based WYSIWYG text editor component that provides context-based suggestions as you type. ## Installation You can install the SmartScribe library using npm: ```sh npm install smart-scribe


  • Customizable placeholder text
  • Context-based suggestions
  • Easy to use React component

SmartScribe Component

tsxCopy code
import React, { useState, useRef, useEffect } from 'react'; interface SmartScribeProps { placeholder?: string; onType?: (text: string) => void; getSuggestion?: (text: string) => string; } const SmartScribe: React.FC<SmartScribeProps> = ({ placeholder, onType, getSuggestion = () => "" }) => { const [content, setContent] = useState(''); const contentEditableRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement | null>(null); const suggestionRef = useRef<HTMLSpanElement | null>(null); const handleInput = () => { if (contentEditableRef.current) { const text = contentEditableRef.current.textContent || ''; setContent(text); if (onType) { onType(text); } } }; const handleKeyUp = () => { if (contentEditableRef.current && suggestionRef.current) { const selection = document.getSelection(); if (selection && selection.rangeCount > 0) { const range = selection.getRangeAt(0); const rect = range.getBoundingClientRect(); const divRect = contentEditableRef.current.getBoundingClientRect(); = `${rect.right - divRect.left}px`; = `${ - + window.scrollY}px`; } } }; useEffect(() => { if (contentEditableRef.current && placeholder) { contentEditableRef.current.setAttribute('data-placeholder', placeholder); } }, [placeholder]); const suggestionText = getSuggestion(content); return ( <> <div ref={contentEditableRef} contentEditable onInput={handleInput} onKeyUp={handleKeyUp} style={{ width: '50%', minHeight: '100px', border: '1px solid #ccc', padding: '8px', overflow: 'auto', whiteSpace: 'pre-wrap', textAlign: 'left', position: 'relative' }} /> {suggestionText && ( <span ref={suggestionRef} style={{ position: 'absolute', pointerEvents: 'none', color: '#ccc' }} > {suggestionText} </span> )} </> ); }; export