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I'm talking to my 8 year old about aircraft while at the science museum. There are planes hanging from the ceiling from the earliest to the most modern. How can I explain to him how airplanes fly in simple terms?

Hey there! It's great that you're at a science museum with your 8-year-old. When explaining how airplanes fly to a child, you can use simple and relatable terms. Here's a possible explanation:

"Imagine you're holding a flat piece of paper and you wave it up and down really fast in the air. Have you noticed how the paper lifts a little? That's kind of how airplanes work.

Airplanes have special wings called 'airfoils' that are designed to push air down as they move forward. When the airplane moves forward, the air goes over and under the wings. The shape of the wings makes the air move faster over the top and slower under the bottom. This creates a difference in air pressure, which causes the airplane to be pushed up, or 'lifted,' into the sky.

Airplanes have engines that help them move forward. The engines are like really powerful fans that push the plane through the air. And, of course, there are pilots who control the plane, steering it up, down, left, and right. So, the combination of the wings, the engines, and the pilots make it possible for airplanes to fly and take us to different places."

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Thanks. They are now asking - why don't helicopters have wings?

That's a great question! Helicopters don't have wings like airplanes because they use a different method to create lift and fly. Instead of wings, helicopters have large spinning blades on top, called rotor blades. These rotor blades work in a similar way to wings, but they rotate in a circle.

When the rotor blades spin around, they also push the air down, just like wings do on an airplane. This creates a difference in air pressure, which lifts the helicopter into the sky. The main difference is that helicopters don't need to move forward to create lift, like airplanes do. They can take off and land vertically, hover in one place, and fly in any direction: forward, backward, or even sideways.

So, helicopters don't have wings because their spinning rotor blades do the job of creating lift, allowing them to fly in a very different and versatile way compared to airplanes.

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Cool. I'm saying that engines push the planes forward. But some of these older planes have propellers and the newer ones don't. What's going on there?

That's a great observation! Both propellers and jet engines are used to push airplanes forward, but they work in slightly different ways. Let me explain:

  1. Propeller Engines (used in older and smaller planes): Propellers are like big spinning blades that pull or push the airplane through the air. The engine inside the airplane turns the propeller, and as it spins, the propeller's shape creates a difference in air pressure. This causes the air to be pushed backward, and as a result, the airplane is pushed forward. Propeller engines are common in older planes and smaller aircraft like private planes or small commuter planes.

  2. Jet Engines (used in modern and larger planes): Jet engines work by sucking in air, compressing it, and mixing it with fuel. The fuel-air mixture is then ignited, creating a powerful blast of hot gases that shoot out the back of the engine. This action pushes the airplane forward. Jet engines are much more powerful and efficient than propeller engines, which is why they are used in modern, larger planes like the ones you see at big airports.

So, older planes and smaller aircraft often have propeller engines, while newer and larger planes use jet engines to push them forward. Both types of engines help airplanes fly, but they work in different ways and are suited for different types of aircraft.

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Got it. We just came from the space section. So kids are asking - can planes go up into space?

That's an interesting question! Regular airplanes, like the ones you see at airports, cannot go up into space. This is because they are designed to fly within Earth's atmosphere, where there's enough air for their engines to work and their wings to create lift. As you go higher, the air becomes thinner, and at some point, there's not enough air for a regular airplane to keep flying.

Space, however, begins where Earth's atmosphere ends. In space, there's no air at all. This means that regular airplanes cannot fly there because their engines wouldn't work, and their wings wouldn't be able to create lift.

But there are special vehicles, called spacecraft or rockets, that are designed to go into space. Rockets work very differently from airplanes. They have powerful engines that produce a lot of thrust, which pushes them upward. Instead of relying on air, rockets carry their own fuel and oxygen to burn, so they can work in the vacuum of space.

In recent years, there has been the development of spaceplanes, which are vehicles that can work both as airplanes and spacecraft. These spaceplanes can take off and land like regular airplanes but are also capable of reaching space. However, they are still very different from regular airplanes and are used for specific purposes, like scientific research or space tourism.

So, while regular airplanes can't go up into space, there are special vehicles, like rockets and spaceplanes, designed specifically for traveling beyond Earth's atmosphere.

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Will regular people be able to go into space just like they do on airplanes?

In the future, it's likely that more and more regular people will be able to go into space, similar to how they travel on airplanes today. This concept is often referred to as "space tourism." Companies like SpaceX, Blue Origin, and Virgin Galactic are working on developing spacecraft that can safely and affordably take everyday people into space for short periods of time.

These trips might involve brief visits to suborbital space, where passengers can experience weightlessness and see the curvature of the Earth, or even longer trips that could include stays at space hotels or visits to space stations.

However, it's important to note that space travel is still quite expensive and requires a lot of resources. As technology advances and the cost of space travel decreases, it's likely that more people will have the opportunity to go to space. But for now, space tourism is still in its early stages and is mostly available to a small number of wealthy individuals or researchers.

In the coming years and decades, we can expect space tourism to become more accessible to regular people as technology improves, and the industry becomes more developed and competitive.