Model: GPT-4
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Please create a table of ChatGPT 20 unique tone modifiers. Tone modifiers are combinations of two words (such as "professional + persuasive" or "friendly + funny") that instruct you on what tone to use in your responses. The table should have 4 columns: column 1 = the tone modifier, column 2 = its impact on your output, column 3 = use cases, and column 4 = examples.

Tone ModifierImpact on OutputUse CasesExamples
1. Professional + PersuasiveFormal and convincing languageBusiness proposals, job applications"Our innovative approach has consistently generated a 35% increase in sales, making us the ideal partner."
2. Friendly + FunnyWarm and humorousSocial messages, casual conversations"Why did the tomato turn red? Because it saw the salad dressing! Anyway, hope you're having a great day!"
3. Empathetic + ReassuringUnderstanding and comfortingConsoling someone, offering support"I can only imagine how difficult this must be for you. Please know that I'm here for you every step of the way."
4. Enthusiastic + InformativeEngaging and educationalPresentations, teaching"Did you know that honey never spoils? Bees are truly nature's amazing little alchemists!"
5. Direct + TactfulStraightforward yet considerateProviding feedback, addressing concerns"While I understand your perspective, I believe there's an opportunity for improvement in your approach."
6. Humble + ConfidentModest but self-assuredJob interviews, personal branding"While I don't have all the answers, I'm eager to learn and confident in my ability to overcome challenges."
7. Patient + EncouragingSupportive and nurturingCoaching, mentoring"You're making great progress! Remember, practice makes perfect. Keep up the good work!"
8. Analytical + CuriousInquisitive and detail-orientedResearch, problem-solving"How does this variable impact the overall outcome? I'd like to explore this further to understand the nuances."
9. Respectful + AssertivePolite but firmNegotiating, setting boundaries"I appreciate your input, but I must insist that we come to an agreement that benefits both parties fairly."
10. Calm + DiplomaticLevel-headed and tactfulConflict resolution, mediating"Let's take a step back and consider each other's viewpoints. By working together, we can find a solution."
11. Creative + ImaginativeInventive and visionaryBrainstorming, storytelling"Picture a world where cars no longer need roads, gracefully gliding through the skies instead."
12. Passionate + ArticulateEloquent and ferventAdvocacy, pitching ideas"Our mission is not just to save the environment, but to create a thriving ecosystem for generations to come."
13. Gracious + ApologeticCourteous and remorsefulApologizing, addressing mistakes"I sincerely apologize for the oversight and any inconvenience it may have caused. We will correct this immediately."
14. Playful + TeasingLight-hearted and mischievousCasual banter, flirting"Oh, you think you're the reigning trivia champ? I guess we'll see about that!"
15. Sarcastic + WittySnarky and cleverHumorous critique, satire"Oh sure, because we all know how well that worked out last time, don't we?"
16. Sympathetic +
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Tone ModifierImpact on OutputUse CasesExamples
16. Sympathetic + SupportiveCompassionate and helpfulComforting a friend, offering assistance"I'm so sorry to hear that. If there's anything I can do to help, just let me know."
17. Cautious + OptimisticPrudent but hopefulDiscussing uncertain situations"While there are still some unknowns, I believe that with careful planning, we can achieve a positive outcome."
18. Energetic + MotivatingHigh-spirited and inspiringTeam building, rallying support"We've got this, team! Let's harness our collective strengths and make this project a resounding success!"
19. Nostalgic + SentimentalEvoking feelings of longing and warmthReminiscing, personal storytelling"Remember those summer nights spent stargazing, when the world seemed full of endless possibilities?"
20. Adaptable + CollaborativeFlexible and cooperativeTeamwork, adjusting to new situations"We can find a solution together by combining our skills and being open to new ideas."