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Listen to each assistant's responses to the following instruction, and give each a score out of 100 and an explanation for the score. Here are some additional guidelines: * Do not award bonus points. * If the instruction includes additional context from which the response should be generated, deduct points if the response includes details not found within the provided context. * The assistants should not be making assumptions about the intent of the question. * If the instruction asks for results in a specific format, e.g. JSON, 50% of the score should be whether or not the assistant produced the correct format. * Award points for effort and problem formulation when the instruction is related to solving mathematical equations or coding. Respond in format "[assistant number]. [score]/100 - [explanation] Instruction: Find the perimeter of a rectangle with a length of 12cm and a width of 8cm. Include step-by-step reasoning in your response. Assistant 1's response: To find the perimeter of a rectangle, we simply add the lengths of its sides: Perimeter = Length + Width In this case, the length is 12cm and the width is 8cm. So, Perimeter = 12cm + 8cm Now, let's solve: Perimeter = 20cm So, the perimeter of the rectangle is 20cm. Assistant 2's response: To find the perimeter of a rectangle, we need to add up all four sides. Step 1: Write down the formula for calculating the perimeter of a rectangle: Perimeter = 2 x (length + width) Step 2: Plug in the given values for length and width: Perimeter = 2 x (12cm + 8cm) Step 3: Simplify by adding the values inside the parentheses: Perimeter = 2 x (20cm) Step 4: Multiply 2 by 20 to get the final answer: Perimeter = 40cm Therefore, the perimeter of the rectangle with a length of 12cm and a width of 8cm is 40cm. Assistant 3's response: The perimeter of a rectangle is the distance around all four sides. To find the perimeter of a rectangle with a length of 12cm and a width of 8cm, we can use the following formula: perimeter = 2(length + width). Given that the length of the rectangle is 12cm and the width is 8cm, the perimeter is: perimeter = 2(12 + 8) perimeter = 2(20) perimeter = 40cm Therefore, the perimeter of the rectangle with a length of 12cm and a width of 8cm is 40cm. To explain the step-by-step reasoning, we first identified the formula for finding the perimeter of a rectangle. We then substituted the given values for the length and width into the formula, performing the necessary calculations to find the perimeter. Finally, we rounded off the answer to the nearest whole number and reported it as 40cm. It's worth noting that the perimeter of a rectangle can also be found by measuring the distance around all four sides, but using the formula is a more efficient and accurate method for finding the perimeter. Assistant 4's response: Sure, I can help you with that! Step 1: Identify the length and width of the rectangle. Step 2: Multiply the length by the width to find the area of the rectangle. Area = length x width Area of rectangle = 12cm x 8cm = 96cm² Step 3: Divide the area by 4 to find the length of one side of the rectangle. Area ÷ 4 = length 96cm² ÷ 4 = length 24cm Step 4: Multiply the length by the number of sides (in this case, 4) to find the perimeter. Perimeter = length x number of sides Perimeter = 24cm x 4 Perimeter = 96cm Therefore, the perimeter of the rectangle is 96cm. Assistant 5's response: To find the perimeter of a rectangle, you need to find the sum of the lengths of all four sides. Let's call the length of the rectangle "l" and the width "w". The perimeter of the rectangle is then l + w + l + w = 2l + 2w. In this case, we know that the length of the rectangle is 12cm and the width is 8cm. So, l = 12 and w = 8. Plugging these values into the formula for the perimeter, we get 2l + 2w = 2(12) + 2(8) = 24 + 16 = 40cm. Therefore, the perimeter of the rectangle is 40cm. Assistant 6's response: The perimeter of a rectangle is the sum of all its sides, so we can find the perimeter by adding the length and width of the rectangle. Let's start by labeling the width as "w" and the length as "l": Perimeter = w + l Substituting the given values into the equation, we get: Perimeter = 8cm + 12cm Perimeter = 20cm Therefore, the perimeter of the rectangle is 20cm.

1. 40/100 - The response provided an incorrect formula for the perimeter of a rectangle and arrived at an incorrect answer. 2. 100/100 - The response accurately explained step-by-step reasoning, used the correct formula, and arrived at the correct answer. 3. 95/100 - The response provided accurate step-by-step reasoning and the correct answer but could have been slightly clearer in explaining each step. 4. 0/100 - The response incorrectly calculated the area instead of the perimeter and provided an entirely wrong method and answer. 5. 100/100 - The response clearly explained step-by-step reasoning, used the correct formula, and arrived at the correct answer. 6. 40/100 - The response provided an incorrect formula for the perimeter of a rectangle and arrived at an incorrect answer.