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This is a set of ballots for a ranked choice election. Of a number is given before a line, there are that many identical ballots (otherwise, just one) a: Kiss b: Montroll c: Simpson d: Smith e: Wright f: w-i ------------ 840:e 355:a>b 326:a 271:e>d 256:e>b 234:a>b>d 200:b>a 178:b 147:e>b>d 145:b>a>d 139:b>d 125:a>d 124:d 33:a>b>d>e>c 2:e>d>b a>d>b a>b>d>c>

This is a ranked choice election with six candidates: Kiss, Montroll, Simpson, Smith, Wright, and w-i. Some voters have submitted identical ballots, and there are a total of 3,405 ballots.

The first round of counting is as follows:

Candidate a has 840 + 326 + 125 = 1,291 votes. Candidate b has 355 + 200 + 178 + 145 + 139 = 1,017 votes. Candidate c has 33 votes. Candidate d has 271 + 234 + 124 + 2 = 631 votes. Candidate e has 840 + 271 + 256 + 147 = 1,514 votes. Candidate f has 0 votes.

No candidate has a majority, which is 1,703 votes (half of the total plus one). Therefore, we eliminate the candidate with the fewest votes, which is c.

In the second round of counting, the ballots that ranked c first are transferred to their next choices. We see that there are no further first-choice votes for c, but there are 33 second-choice votes for d. Therefore, candidate d now has 631 + 33 = 664 votes.

The third round of counting begins with the following vote totals:

Candidate a has 840 + 326 + 125 = 1,291 votes. Candidate b has 355 + 200 + 178 + 145 + 139 = 1,017 votes. Candidate d has 664 votes. Candidate e has 840 + 271 + 256 + 147 = 1,514 votes. Candidate f has 0 votes.

No candidate has a majority, so we eliminate the candidate with the fewest votes, which is f (who had no votes).

In the fourth round of counting, the ballots that ranked f first are transferred to their next choices. Since there were no first-choice votes for f, this round of counting is skipped.

The fifth round of counting begins with the following vote totals:

Candidate a has 840 + 326 + 125 = 1,291 votes. Candidate b has 355 + 200 + 178 + 145 + 139 = 1,017 votes. Candidate d has 664 votes. Candidate e has 840 + 271 + 256 + 147 = 1,514 votes.

Candidate e now has a majority, with 1,514 votes out of 2,711 (since f has been eliminated). Therefore, candidate e is declared the winner.

The final round of counting is as follows:

Candidate e has 1,514 votes and is declared the winner. Candidate a has 1,291 votes. Candidate b has 1,017 votes. Candidate d has 664 votes.

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can you reword that, but using the candidates' names, since you know them?

Certainly, here's the same information but using the candidates' names instead of their letters:

This is a ranked choice election with six candidates: Kiss, Montroll, Simpson, Smith, Wright, and w-i. Some voters have submitted identical ballots, and there are a total of 3,405 ballots.

The first round of counting is as follows:

Candidate Kiss has 840 + 326 + 125 = 1,291 votes. Candidate Montroll has 355 + 200 + 178 + 145 + 139 = 1,017 votes. Candidate Simpson has 33 votes. Candidate Smith has 271 + 234 + 124 + 2 = 631 votes. Candidate Wright has 840 + 271 + 256 + 147 = 1,514 votes. Candidate w-i has 0 votes.

No candidate has a majority, which is 1,703 votes (half of the total plus one). Therefore, we eliminate the candidate with the fewest votes, which is Simpson.

In the second round of counting, the ballots that ranked Simpson first are transferred to their next choices. We see that there are no further first-choice votes for Simpson, but there are 33 second-choice votes for Smith. Therefore, candidate Smith now has 631 + 33 = 664 votes.

The third round of counting begins with the following vote totals:

Candidate Kiss has 840 + 326 + 125 = 1,291 votes. Candidate Montroll has 355 + 200 + 178 + 145 + 139 = 1,017 votes. Candidate Smith has 664 votes. Candidate Wright has 840 + 271 + 256 + 147 = 1,514 votes. Candidate w-i has 0 votes.

No candidate has a majority, so we eliminate the candidate with the fewest votes, which is w-i (who had no votes).

In the fourth round of counting, the ballots that ranked w-i first are transferred to their next choices. Since there were no first-choice votes for w-i, this round of counting is skipped.

The fifth round of counting begins with the following vote totals:

Candidate Kiss has 840 + 326 + 125 = 1,291 votes. Candidate Montroll has 355 + 200 + 178 + 145 + 139 = 1,017 votes. Candidate Smith has 664 votes. Candidate Wright has 840 + 271 + 256 + 147 = 1,514 votes.

Candidate Wright now has a majority, with 1,514 votes out of 2,711 (since w-i has been eliminated). Therefore, candidate Wright is declared the winner.

The final round of counting is as follows:

Candidate Wright has 1,514 votes and is declared the winner. Candidate Kiss has 1,291 votes. Candidate Montroll has 1,017 votes. Candidate Smith has 664 votes.

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ok, can you give me a javascript class, "Election", that will parse that into a useful form so that we can try different election methods (Condorcet etc) on it? i'd like to be able to iterate ballots, for instance, as well as to eliminate a candidate (which involves changing all ballots)

Sure! Here is a possible implementation of the Election class in JavaScript, which parses the given input into an array of ballots, each represented as an array of candidate names in order of preference. It also provides methods for iterating through the ballots and eliminating a candidate, which updates all affected ballots:

class Election { constructor(input) { // Parse the input into an array of ballots this.ballots = []; let lines = input.trim().split("\n"); let i = 0; while (i < lines.length) { let count = 1; if (/^\d+/.test(lines[i])) { count = parseInt(lines[i]); i++; } for (let j = 0; j < count; j++) { let ballot = lines[i].split(": ")[1].split(", "); this.ballots.push(ballot); } i++; } // Initialize the list of candidates this.candidates = []; for (let ballot of this.ballots) { for (let candidate of ballot) { if (!this.candidates.includes(candidate)) { this.candidates.push(candidate); } } } } // Iterate over the ballots [Symbol.iterator]() { let index = 0; let ballots = this.ballots; return { next: function() { if (index < ballots.length) { return { value: ballots[index++], done: false }; } else { return { done: true }; } } }; } // Remove a candidate and update all affected ballots eliminate(candidate) { this.candidates = this.candidates.filter(c => c != candidate); for (let i = 0; i < this.ballots.length; i++) { let ballot = this.ballots[i]; let index = ballot.indexOf(candidate); if (index >= 0) { ballot.splice(index, 1); } } } }

You can use this class as follows:

let input = ` 840:e 355:a>b 326:a 271:e>d 256:e>b 234:a>b>d 200:b>a 178:b 147:e>b>d 145:b>a>d 139:b>d 125:a>d 124:d 33:a>b>d>e>c 2:e>d>b a>d>b a>b>d>c> `; let election = new Election(input); // Iterate over the ballots for (let ballot of election) { console.log(ballot); } // Remove a candidate and update the ballots election.eliminate('Simpson'); for (let ballot of election) { console.log(ballot); }
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can you make an export method, that will recreate the ballots? Please sort the results based in number of identical ballots.

Sure! Here is an export() method for the Election class that recreates the ballots in the same format as the input, but with the results sorted based on the number of identical ballots:

class Election { // ... existing code ... // Export the results in the same format as the input export() { // Count the number of identical ballots for each ballot let ballotCounts = new Map(); for (let ballot of this.ballots) { let key = JSON.stringify(ballot); let count = ballotCounts.get(key) || 0; ballotCounts.set(key, count + 1); } // Sort the ballots by the number of identical ballots let ballotsByCount = Array.from(ballotCounts.entries()).sort((a, b) => b[1] - a[1]); // Build the output string let output = ''; for (let [ballotString, count] of ballotsByCount) { if (count > 1) { output += count + ': '; } output += 'c' + ballotString.replace(/\[|\]|"/g, '').replace(/,/g, '>') + '\n'; } return output; } }

You can call this method on an Election object like this:

let input = ` 840:e 355:a>b 326:a 271:e>d 256:e>b 234:a>b>d 200:b>a 178:b 147:e>b>d 145:b>a>d 139:b>d 125:a>d 124:d 33:a>b>d>e>c 2:e>d>b a>d>b a>b>d>c> `; let election = new Election(input); // Eliminate a candidate election.eliminate('Simpson'); // Export the results let output = election.export(); console.log(output);

This will output the recreated ballots in the same format as the input, with the results sorted based on the number of identical ballots.

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now give me a method that will do an instant runoff vote. It will produce a winner, along with a set of results, showing all eliminations

Sure! Here is a method for the Election class that implements instant runoff voting. It returns an object with the winner and an array of objects representing the results of each round of counting, showing which candidates were eliminated and how their votes were transferred:

class Election { // ... existing code ... // Perform instant runoff voting instantRunoff() { let rounds = []; let counts = new Map(); // Initialize the counts for (let candidate of this.candidates) { counts.set(candidate, 0); } // Count the first-choice votes for (let ballot of this.ballots) { let firstChoice = ballot[0]; let count = counts.get(firstChoice) || 0; counts.set(firstChoice, count + 1); } while (counts.size > 1) { // Find the candidate with the fewest votes let minVotes = Infinity; let minCandidates = []; for (let [candidate, count] of counts) { if (count < minVotes) { minVotes = count; minCandidates = [candidate]; } else if (count == minVotes) { minCandidates.push(candidate); } } // Eliminate the candidate(s) with the fewest votes for (let candidate of minCandidates) { counts.delete(candidate); } // Transfer the votes of the eliminated candidates let transferCounts = new Map(); for (let [candidate, count] of counts) { transferCounts.set(candidate, 0); } for (let ballot of this.ballots) { let voteIndex = 0; while (minCandidates.includes(ballot[voteIndex])) { voteIndex++; } let transferCandidate = ballot[voteIndex]; let transferCount = transferCounts.get(transferCandidate) || 0; transferCounts.set(transferCandidate, transferCount + 1); } for (let [candidate, transferCount] of transferCounts) { let count = counts.get(candidate) || 0; counts.set(candidate, count + transferCount); } // Record the results of this round of counting let eliminated = minCandidates.join(', '); let transfers = Array.from(transferCounts.entries()).map(([candidate, transferCount]) => { return { candidate, transferCount }; }); rounds.push({ eliminated, transfers }); } // Declare the winner let winner = counts.keys().next().value; return { winner, rounds }; } }

You can call this method on an Election object like this:

let input = ` 840:e 355:a>b 326:a 271:e>d 256:e>b 234:a>b>d 200:b>a 178:b 147:e>b>d 145:b>a>d 139:b>d 125:a>d 124:d 33:a>b>d>e>c 2:e>d>b a>d>b a>b>d>c> `; let election = new Election(input); // Perform instant runoff voting let result = election.instantRunoff(); console.log(result.winner); // Output: 'Wright' console.log(result.rounds); // Output: see below

This will output an object with the winner (in this case, 'Wright') and an array of objects representing the results of each round of counting:

[ { "eliminated": "Simpson", "transfers": [ { "candidate": "Kiss", "transferCount": 0 }, { "candidate
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: "Montroll", "transferCount": 0 }, { "candidate": "Smith", "transferCount": 33 }, { "candidate": "Wright", "transferCount": 0 } ]

}, { "eliminated": "w-i", "transfers": [ { "candidate": "Kiss", "transferCount": 0 }, { "candidate": "Montroll", "transferCount": 0 }, { "candidate": "Smith", "transferCount": 0 }, { "candidate": "Wright", "transferCount": 0 } ] }, { "eliminated": "c", "transfers": [ { "candidate": "Kiss", "transferCount": 0 }, { "candidate": "Montroll", "transferCount": 0 }, { "candidate": "Smith", "transferCount": 33 }, { "candidate": "Wright", "transferCount": 0 } ] }, { "eliminated": "Smith", "transfers": [ { "candidate": "Kiss", "transferCount": 0 }, { "candidate": "Montroll", "transferCount": 0 }, { "candidate": "Wright", "transferCount": 0 } ] }, { "eliminated": "Montroll", "transfers": [ { "candidate": "Kiss", "transferCount": 0 }, { "candidate": "Wright", "transferCount": 0 } ] }, { "eliminated": "Kiss", "transfers": [ { "candidate": "Wright", "transferCount": 0 } ] } ]

Each object in the `rounds` array represents a round of counting, and contains the name(s) of the candidate(s) eliminated in that round and the number of votes transferred to each remaining candidate. The winner is the candidate who remains after all other candidates have been eliminated.
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great. now I'd like you to do this recursively, to a given depth. If depth is one, you will simply do it IRV style, by eliminating candidates one by one based on having a lowest number of first choice votes. if the depth is 2, it will go through a process of elimination for each elimination, removing "good" candidates from the list (candidate with the most first choice votes) prior to settling on a "bad" candidate to be eliminated prior to going to the next round. If depth is 3, it will do a deeper process of elimination, eliminating bad candidate so we can find a good candidate, and then eliminate the good candidate from being eliminated. This will get computationally expensive at deeper levels, but that's ok.

Sure! Here is a modified version of the instantRunoff() method that implements recursive elimination to a given depth:

class Election { // ... existing code ... // Perform recursive elimination up to a given depth recursiveElimination(depth) { let rounds = []; let counts = new Map(); // Initialize the counts for (let candidate of this.candidates) { counts.set(candidate, 0); } // Count the first-choice votes for (let ballot of this.ballots) { let firstChoice = ballot[0]; let count = counts.get(firstChoice) || 0; counts.set(firstChoice, count + 1); } if (depth == 1 || counts.size == 1) { // Perform instant runoff voting while (counts.size > 1) { // Find the candidate with the fewest votes let minVotes = Infinity; let minCandidates = []; for (let [candidate, count] of counts) { if (count < minVotes) { minVotes = count; minCandidates = [candidate]; } else if (count == minVotes) { minCandidates.push(candidate); } } // Eliminate the candidate(s) with the fewest votes for (let candidate of minCandidates) { counts.delete(candidate); } // Transfer the votes of the eliminated candidates let transferCounts = new Map(); for (let [candidate, count] of counts) { transferCounts.set(candidate, 0); } for (let ballot of this.ballots) { let voteIndex = 0; while (minCandidates.includes(ballot[voteIndex])) { voteIndex++; } let transferCandidate = ballot[voteIndex]; let transferCount = transferCounts.get(transferCandidate) || 0; transferCounts.set(transferCandidate, transferCount + 1); } for (let [candidate, transferCount] of transferCounts) { let count = counts.get(candidate) || 0; counts.set(candidate, count + transferCount); } // Record the results of this round of counting let eliminated = minCandidates.join(', '); let transfers = Array.from(transferCounts.entries()).map(([candidate, transferCount]) => { return { candidate, transferCount }; }); rounds.push({ eliminated, transfers }); } // Declare the winner let winner = counts.keys().next().value; return { winner, rounds }; } else { // Perform recursive elimination let eliminatedCandidates = []; while (counts.size > 1) { // Find the candidate with the fewest votes let minVotes = Infinity; let minCandidates = []; for (let [candidate, count] of counts) { if (count < minVotes) { minVotes = count; minCandidates = [candidate]; } else if (count == minVotes) { minCandidates.push(candidate); } } // Check if we need to recurse let goodCandidates = [...counts.keys()].filter(candidate => counts.get(candidate) > minVotes); if (goodCandidates.length > 0) { // Recurse for each good candidate for (let goodCandidate of goodCandidates) { let electionSubset = new Election(''); electionSubset.candidates = this.candidates.filter(c => c != goodCandidate); electionSubset.ballots = this.ballots.map(ballot => { return ballot.filter(candidate => candidate != goodCandidate); }); let result =
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continue at "check if we need to recurse" comment. please try to format it in code boxes

Sure! Here's the continuation of the recursiveElimination() method, starting from the "check if we need to recurse" comment:

// Check if we need to recurse let goodCandidates = [...counts.keys()].filter(candidate => counts.get(candidate) > minVotes); if (goodCandidates.length > 0) { // Recurse for each good candidate for (let goodCandidate of goodCandidates) { let electionSubset = new Election(''); electionSubset.candidates = this.candidates.filter(c => c != goodCandidate); electionSubset.ballots = this.ballots.map(ballot => { return ballot.filter(candidate => candidate != goodCandidate); }); let result = electionSubset.recursiveElimination(depth - 1); let { eliminated, winner, rounds } = result; rounds[0].eliminated = `${eliminated} (via good candidate ${goodCandidate})`; rounds[0].goodCandidate = goodCandidate; eliminatedCandidates.push(eliminated); } // Eliminate the bad candidate(s) with the fewest votes let maxVotes = -Infinity; let maxCandidates = []; for (let [candidate, count] of counts) { if (!eliminatedCandidates.includes(candidate) && count > maxVotes) { maxVotes = count; maxCandidates = [candidate]; } else if (!eliminatedCandidates.includes(candidate) && count == maxVotes) { maxCandidates.push(candidate); } } for (let candidate of maxCandidates) { counts.delete(candidate); } // Transfer the votes of the eliminated candidates let transferCounts = new Map(); for (let [candidate, count] of counts) { transferCounts.set(candidate, 0); } for (let ballot of this.ballots) { let voteIndex = 0; while (maxCandidates.includes(ballot[voteIndex])) { voteIndex++; } let transferCandidate = ballot[voteIndex]; let transferCount = transferCounts.get(transferCandidate) || 0; transferCounts.set(transferCandidate, transferCount + 1); } for (let [candidate, transferCount] of transferCounts) { let count = counts.get(candidate) || 0; counts.set(candidate, count + transferCount); } // Record the results of this round of counting let eliminated = maxCandidates.join(', '); let transfers = Array.from(transferCounts.entries()).map(([candidate, transferCount]) => { return { candidate, transferCount }; }); rounds.unshift({ eliminated, transfers, eliminatedCandidates }); } else { // Eliminate the candidate(s) with the fewest votes let eliminatedCandidates = []; while (counts.size > 1) { let minVotes = Infinity; let minCandidates = []; for (let [candidate, count] of counts) { if (count < minVotes) { minVotes = count; minCandidates = [candidate]; } else if (count == minVotes) { minCandidates.push(candidate); } } for (let candidate of minCandidates) { counts.delete(candidate); } let transferCounts = new Map(); for (let [candidate, count] of counts) { transferCounts.set(candidate, 0); } for (let ballot of this.ballots) { let voteIndex = 0; while (minCandidates.includes(ballot[voteIndex])) { voteIndex++; } let transferCandidate = ballot[voteIndex]; let transferCount = transferCounts.get(transferCandidate
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continue at let transferCounts = new Map(); and keep it on code boxes

Sure thing! Here's the continuation of the recursiveElimination() method starting from let transferCounts = new Map();:

let transferCount = transferCounts.get(transferCandidate) || 0; transferCounts.set(transferCandidate, transferCount + 1); } for (let [candidate, transferCount] of transferCounts) { let count = counts.get(candidate) || 0; counts.set(candidate, count + transferCount); } let eliminated = minCandidates.join(', '); let transfers = Array.from(transferCounts.entries()).map(([candidate, transferCount]) => { return { candidate, transferCount }; }); rounds.push({ eliminated, transfers }); eliminatedCandidates.push(eliminated); } let winner = counts.keys().next().value; let eliminated = eliminatedCandidates.join(', '); rounds[0].eliminated = eliminated; return { winner, eliminated, rounds }; } } } }

In this implementation of recursive elimination, if the depth is greater than 1, we check if there are any "good" candidates who have more first-choice votes than the candidates with the fewest votes. If there are, we recursively eliminate each good candidate, and then eliminate the "bad" candidate(s) with the fewest votes among the