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What questions are most likely to encourage rich discussion in a college classroom?

There are many types of questions that can encourage rich discussion in a college classroom. Here are a few examples:

  1. Open-ended questions: These are questions that cannot be answered with a simple "yes" or "no" and require more thought and consideration. Examples include: "What do you think is the most important factor in shaping someone's identity?" or "How do you think technology has impacted society?"

  2. Questions that require analysis and evaluation: These are questions that ask students to think critically about a topic and to consider multiple perspectives. Examples include: "Do you agree or disagree with the author's argument? Why or why not?" or "How does this text reflect the cultural values of its time period?"

  3. Questions that require application: These are questions that ask students to apply concepts or theories to real-world situations. Examples include: "How could this concept be used to solve a current social issue?" or "How does this theory explain a phenomenon you have observed in your own life?"

  4. Questions that require synthesis: These are questions that ask students to combine and integrate information from multiple sources. Examples include: "How do the ideas presented in these two texts contradict or complement each other?" or "How does this new information fit with what we have learned in the past?"

By posing these types of questions, instructors can encourage students to engage with the material in a deeper and more meaningful way, leading to rich and productive class discussions.