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Teach me something about sed

Sed, short for "Stream Editor," is a powerful text processing tool that is commonly used in Unix and Linux systems. It can be used to perform a wide range of text manipulation tasks, such as search and replace, text filtering, and data extraction.

Here are a few tips to get you started with using sed:

  1. Basic syntax: Sed reads input line by line and applies a set of commands to each line. The basic syntax is: sed [options] 'command' file, where options are optional parameters and command is the set of editing instructions to be executed on the file.

  2. Search and replace: One of the most common tasks in sed is search and replace. You can use the s command for this, which stands for substitute. For example, to replace all occurrences of "old" with "new" in a file, you would use the following command: sed 's/old/new/g' file.

  3. In-place editing: Sed can edit files in place, which means it modifies the file directly without creating a new file. To do this, you need to use the -i option. For example, to replace all occurrences of "old" with "new" in a file and save the changes, you would use the following command: sed -i 's/old/new/g' file.

  4. Regular expressions: Sed supports regular expressions, which are powerful patterns used for matching and manipulating text. You can use regular expressions in the s command to perform more complex search and replace operations. For example, to replace all occurrences of a word that starts with "old" and ends with "er" with "new" in a file, you would use the following command: sed 's/old.*er/new/g' file.

  5. Multiple commands: You can combine multiple editing commands in sed by separating them with a semicolon. For example, to remove all blank lines and replace all occurrences of "old" with "new" in a file, you would use the following command: sed '/^$/d;s/old/new/g' file.

These are just a few basic tips for using sed. With its powerful syntax and extensive range of editing commands, sed can be used for a wide range of text processing tasks.