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Write a poem about VBForums

VBForums, a place to learn and grow, A community of coders, eager to know, The secrets of programming, and how to make it flow, They share their knowledge, to help others grow.

With threads on topics, both big and small, From beginners to pros, they give their all, Answers to questions, that challenge us all, A place to share and to have a ball.

The moderators, keep the peace with care, Ensuring all discussions, are fair and square, Their guidance, helps us, to be aware, Of the rules, and to show we care.

From VB to C#, and all in between, The forums, a wealth of knowledge to be seen, A place where coders, can be serene, And learn from each other, what coding means.

So let us thank, the VBForums team, For creating a place, where we can dream, And for providing us, with a valuable resource, Where we can grow, and be our best.