Model: Code Interpreter
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can you draw me a super cool meme for this article Recently my friend Erik Louie forwarded me a very interesting paper called “How Language Model Hallucinations Can Snowball” on Arxiv, that demonstrates how often the GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 models hallucinate on simple multi-step reasoning problems. I decided for my AGI House hackathon project to demonstrate how using a Code Interpreter style LLM engine would successfully reduce such hallucinations as in the source paper by an order of magnitude. TL;DR Code Interpreter style reduces hallucination rate from < 10% to < 1%. Financial and investment applications like stock trading and credit approval can successfully be performed by GPT-4 in the Code Interpreter style at a fraction of the cost and time and greater accuracy than humans.

Creating a meme requires a combination of imagery and text that captures the essence of the content in a humorous or impactful way. Here's a concept based on your article:

Image Concept:

  1. Two side-by-side images.
  2. On the left, an image of a robot (representing GPT-3.5 and GPT-4) with a confused look and "static" or "glitch" effects around its head to represent "hallucinations."
  3. On the right, the same robot but looking more composed, efficient, and wearing glasses (to signify the "Code Interpreter style" and intelligence).

Text Overlays:

  1. Left Image: "GPT-4 without Code Interpreter" with a smaller caption below saying "Hallucination rate: <10%"
  2. Right Image: "GPT-4 with Code Interpreter" with a smaller caption below saying "Hallucination rate: <1%"

Bottom Caption: "Why pay more when you can trade stocks with accuracy and style?"

I'll create a simple visual representation of this concept using Python. Let's get started!

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nice concept, not such great drawing. So i attached images of a hallucinating robot for you to use in your meme. will attached composed in the next post, don't redraw yet948677_hallucinating robot works on wall street and loses_xl-beta-v2-2-2.png

Thank you for providing the image of the hallucinating robot. Once you upload the image for the composed robot, I'll proceed with creating the meme using the provided images.

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tysm v funny meme609689_composed stock trading robot happily trouncing a h_xl-beta-v2-2-2.png

Great! Now that I have both images, I'll proceed with creating the meme based on the earlier concept using the provided images.

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GREAT overall. But the caption at the bottom the transparency is too much and it's too small. It can't be read or noticed very well

I've increased the font size and reduced the transparency of the bottom caption for better readability. I hope this adjustment meets your expectations! If there's anything else you'd like to modify, please let me know.

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Yea h what are other captions we could use that are witty

Certainly! Here are a few witty caption options for your meme:

  1. "Trading stocks? There's a (Code Interpreter) mode for that!"
  2. "GPT-4's secret to Wall Street? It's in the code!"
  3. "When GPT-4 trades stocks, it wears its Code Interpreter glasses."
  4. "Hallucinate less, invest smart. Switch to Code Interpreter mode!"
  5. "Trading stocks without hallucinations? It's not magic, it's Code Interpreter!"
  6. "From Wall Street blunders to stock market wonders with Code Interpreter!"
  7. "GPT-4's stock tip? Use Code Interpreter mode for clear trading visions!"
  8. "Making cents (and dollars) with Code Interpreter on Wall Street!"
  9. "Why daydream on Wall Street when you can have clear visions with Code Interpreter?"
  10. "GPT-4 on Wall Street: Less daydreaming, more day trading with Code Interpreter!"

Let me know if any of these resonate with you or if you'd like to see more options!

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more options

Of course! Here are some more witty caption options for your meme:

  1. "Eyes on the stocks, not the clouds. Choose Code Interpreter!"
  2. "Ditch the daydreams, dominate the dividends with Code Interpreter."
  3. "GPT-4's Wall Street advice? Dream big, hallucinate small!"
  4. "Making sense of stocks, one Code Interpreter session at a time."
  5. "Hallucinations are for dreams, not for stock trading. Go Code Interpreter!"
  6. "Trade in the fast lane, without the illusions. #CodeInterpreter"
  7. "From trading blips to stock market tips with Code Interpreter!"
  8. "Code Interpreter: Where GPT-4's stock market dreams become reality."
  9. "Turning financial fables into stock market success with Code Interpreter!"
  10. "Why gamble with hallucinations when Code Interpreter is a sure bet?"

Let me know if any of these fit the bill, or if you'd like further suggestions!

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I like no 10 "Why gamble with hallucinations when Code Interpreter is a sure bet?" let's do bigger bolder caption and with a green bg perhaps

I've applied the selected caption "Why gamble with hallucinations when Code Interpreter is a sure bet?" with a bolder font, larger size, and a green background for emphasis.

If you have any more adjustments or feedback, please let me know!

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This is great, but what's a more sassy font we can use? The one at the top should be a bit better and the caption perhaps should be more newsprinty

Understood! I'll explore some built-in font styles available in the plotting library:

  1. For the top titles, I'll use a more "elegant" font style to give it a bit of flair.
  2. For the bottom caption, I'll try to give it a "newsprint" or "typewriter" feel.

Let's see how these changes look.

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let's try another newsprinty font that is more newsprinty and less typewritery

It appears the "cursive" font style wasn't available either. I apologize for the inconvenience.

In this environment, I'm limited to the built-in fonts of the plotting library. Given the constraints, achieving a perfect newsprint look might be challenging.

However, I can try other available font styles or adjust the presentation in different ways if you'd like. Let me know your preference!

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u got like century gothic

I apologize for the inconvenience, but it seems "Century Gothic" is also not available in this environment.

Given the constraints, I'm limited to the built-in fonts of the plotting library. If you have other preferences or specific fonts in mind, I can attempt to use them. Otherwise, we might have to proceed with the available options. Let me know how you'd like to proceed!