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Here is the start of my research paper. Can you please continue it? Please write in a similar style with similar sentence structure a a similar frequency of errors. Research paper title: Transgender in Turkey: Humanity Is the Best Religion Introductory Paragraph: The American Psychological Association describes transgender as “an umbrella term for persons whose gender identity, gender expression or behavior does not conform to that typically associated with the sex to which they were assigned at birth”. This dissonance between gender identity/gender expression and sex causes most of the difficulties that transgender people have to face in their daily lives such as discrimination, violence, and inequity in the areas of education, employment, and health. While speaking of these difficulties, being transgender in Islamic countries is even harder because religion has a strong influence on Muslim society. It also has the power to shape society and creates hate against transgender people because same-sex relationships are not tolerated in the Muslim faith. Another reason is the current justice system and law enforcement. Transgender activities are illegal in most Islamic countries; moreover, there is a trust and fear issue between transgender citizens and the government. Thus, the LGBTQ community cannot receive any support from either society or the government. Sadly, life is already tough for transgender people but if you are a Muslim and transgender the life is even tougher.

Transgender individuals in Turkey face significant challenges due to societal, religious, and legal barriers. Despite the country's reputation for being more progressive and accepting than its Islamic counterparts, there is still a long way to go in terms of transgender rights. Turkey, which straddles Europe and Asia, has a population of over 82 million people, and it has become a crucial intersection between Western and Middle Eastern cultures. However, the country's traditional and religious values often come into conflict with its more liberal and secular views.

Transgender individuals in Turkey are often subjected to discrimination, harassment, and violence, both in public and private spaces. This is largely due to the lack of legal protections for transgender people in the country. The Turkish government has not yet adopted comprehensive anti-discrimination legislation that specifically protects LGBTQ individuals from discrimination in employment, education, housing, and healthcare. As a result, transgender people in Turkey face significant barriers when trying to access basic human rights and services.

Furthermore, the Turkish legal system does not recognize transgender individuals as a protected class, making it difficult for them to seek legal remedies when they face discrimination or violence. The police and legal system are often seen as hostile towards transgender people, and it is not uncommon for them to experience harassment, abuse, and violence at the hands of law enforcement officers. The lack of trust and fear of persecution also means that transgender people are less likely to report crimes against them, leading to a cycle of violence and abuse.

Despite these challenges, there are organizations and individuals in Turkey who are working tirelessly to promote transgender rights and challenge the status quo. These advocates are pushing for legal protections, education and awareness campaigns, and healthcare services that cater specifically to transgender individuals. They are also using social media platforms to raise awareness about transgender issues and to provide support to the community.

In conclusion, being transgender in Turkey is an uphill battle that is made even more challenging by societal, religious, and legal barriers. However, there is hope for change, and with the support of advocates and allies, the transgender community can begin to receive the respect, recognition, and protection that they deserve. The concept of humanity as the best religion is especially important in this context, as it recognizes that all individuals, regardless of their gender identity, are deserving of dignity, respect, and human rights.