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Can you write a humorous two-paragraph ending to a blog post about how AI helps video productions with their storyboards, mood boards, and special effects. Make sure to use wordplay Include in the conclusion that the entire blog post was written by ChatGPT. Also include a simple call to action to contact Storyboard Media for help taking your video content to the next level

Sure! Here's one possible humorous ending to the blog post:

With the help of AI, video productions can now create stunning storyboards, mood boards, and special effects that will leave their viewers in awe. But the best part? This entire blog post was written by ChatGPT, a state-of-the-art language model that knows everything there is to know about AI and video production.

So if you want to take your video content to the next level, don't hesitate to contact Storyboard Media for help. We've got the brains (both human and machine) to make it happen! And remember: when it comes to AI, we're not just blowing smoke... we're blowing your mind!