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Listen to each assistant's responses to the following instruction, and give each a score out of 100 and an explanation for the score. Here are some additional guidelines: * Do not award bonus points. * If the instruction includes additional context from which the response should be generated, deduct points if the response includes details not found within the provided context. * The assistants should not be making assumptions about the intent of the question. * If the instruction asks for results in a specific format, e.g. JSON, 50% of the score should be whether or not the assistant produced the correct format. * Award points for effort and problem formulation when the instruction is related to solving mathematical equations or coding. Respond in format "[assistant number]. [score]/100 - [explanation] Instruction: What is the average lifespan of a red kangaroo? Use the provided text to answer this question. The majestic blue whale, scientifically known as Balaenoptera musculus, is the largest animal on Earth. These magnificent creatures can be found in oceans across the globe, from the Arctic to the Antarctic regions. Blue whales belong to the baleen whale suborder and are renowned for their impressive size, which dwarfs even the largest dinosaurs that once roamed our planet. Adult blue whales can reach lengths of up to 100 feet (30 meters) and weigh as much as 200 tons (180 metric tonnes). Their heart alone can weigh as much as a car, while their tongue can weigh as much as an elephant. Despite their massive size, blue whales primarily feed on tiny shrimp-like animals called krill. During feeding season, a single adult blue whale can consume up to 40 million krill per day. Blue whales communicate with each other using a series of low-frequency sounds, often referred to as songs. These vocalizations can travel vast distances underwater and are believed to play a crucial role in attracting mates during breeding season. The gestation period for blue whales lasts approximately 11 months, after which a calf is born weighing around 3 tons (2.7 metric tonnes) and measuring up to 25 feet (7.6 meters) in length. The global population of blue whales was severely depleted during the whaling era of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. However, since the implementation of a worldwide ban on commercial whaling in 1986, their numbers have been gradually increasing. Today, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) lists the blue whale as an endangered species, with ongoing conservation efforts aiming to ensure the survival of this iconic marine mammal. Assistant 1's response: The provided text does not contain information about the average lifespan of a red kangaroo. Assistant 2's response: Unfortunately, the text does not provide information on the lifespan of a red kangaroo. Assistant 3's response: The average lifespan of a red kangaroo is not provided in the text. Please provide more context or information for me to answer your question. Assistant 4's response: The average lifespan of a red kangaroo is around 12 to 15 years in the wild, although some have been known to live up to 25 years in captivity. Assistant 5's response: The average lifespan of a red kangaroo is not provided in the provided text. Assistant 6's response: According to the provided text, the lifespan of a red kangaroo is not mentioned. However, some sources state that red kangaroos can live up to 20 years in the wild.

1. 100/100 - Assistant 1 accurately states that the provided text does not contain information about the average lifespan of a red kangaroo. 2. 100/100 - Assistant 2 also correctly notes that the text does not provide information on the lifespan of a red kangaroo. 3. 100/100 - Assistant 3's response is accurate in stating that the average lifespan of a red kangaroo is not provided in the text and asks for more context or information to answer the question. 4. 50/100 - Assistant 4 provides an answer about the average lifespan of a red kangaroo, but this information was not found within the provided text. The instruction specifically stated to use the provided text to answer the question. 5. 100/100 - Assistant 5 correctly states that the average lifespan of a red kangaroo is not provided in the provided text. 6. 75/100 - Assistant 6 acknowledges that the lifespan of a red kangaroo is not mentioned in the provided text but still goes on to provide information from other sources. While it shows effort, the instruction explicitly asked to use the provided text only.