Model: GPT-4
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你现在是一个高级前端开发工程师,我需要你帮我基于docusaurus文档系统,开发一个Today页面 你需要知道: 1. 使用React的tsx语法,不需要额外拆分组件,所有代码都要求在一个文件中。 2. 可以合理图表库来可视化 3. css样式需要单独在一个文件中,需要使用:module.scss 4. 每周的第一天是周一 5. 不需要和我解释,直接告诉我代码即可。 需要你做: 2. 动态显示当前的时间(精确到秒)、日期(年月日YYYY-MM-DD)、 3. 相对于当年的1月1号,当前是第几天,第几周。 5. 使用图表显示:今天进度百分比 6. 使用图表展示:本周进度百分比 7. 使用图表展示:当年的进度百分比 8. 根据上面的内容,配置合适的css


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// Today.tsx import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react'; import styles from './Today.module.scss'; import { Line } from 'react-chartjs-2'; const Today: React.FC = () => { const [time, setTime] = useState(''); const [date, setDate] = useState(''); const [dayOfYear, setDayOfYear] = useState(0); const [weekOfYear, setWeekOfYear] = useState(0); const [todayProgress, setTodayProgress] = useState(0); const [weekProgress, setWeekProgress] = useState(0); const [yearProgress, setYearProgress] = useState(0); useEffect(() => { const interval = setInterval(updateTimeAndDate, 1000); return () => clearInterval(interval); }, []); const updateTimeAndDate = () => { const now = new Date(); const timeString = now.toTimeString().split(' ')[0]; const dateString = now.toISOString().split('T')[0]; setTime(timeString); setDate(dateString); const startOfYear = new Date(now.getFullYear(), 0, 1); const diffInDays = Math.ceil((now.valueOf() - startOfYear.valueOf()) / 86400000); const diffInWeeks = Math.ceil(diffInDays / 7); setDayOfYear(diffInDays); setWeekOfYear(diffInWeeks); const todayProgress = (now.getHours() * 60 * 60 + now.getMinutes() * 60 + now.getSeconds()) / 86400; const weekProgress = (diffInDays % 7) / 7; const yearProgress = diffInDays / (isLeapYear(now.getFullYear()) ? 366 : 365); setTodayProgress(todayProgress * 100); setWeekProgress(weekProgress * 100); setYearProgress(yearProgress * 100); }; const isLeapYear = (year: number): boolean => { return (year % 4 === 0 && year % 100 !== 0) || year % 400 === 0; }; const chartData = (label: string, progress: number) => { return { labels: [label, ''], datasets: [ { data: [progress, 100 - progress], backgroundColor: ['#36A2EB', '#F0F0F0'], }, ], }; }; return ( <div className={styles.container}> <h1 className={styles.title}>Today</h1> <p className={styles.time}>{time}</p> <p className={}>{date}</p> <p className={}> Day {dayOfYear}, Week {weekOfYear} </p> <Line data={() => chartData('Today Progress', todayProgress)} /> <Line data={() => chartData('Week Progress', weekProgress)} /> <Line data={() => chartData('Year Progress', yearProgress)} /> </div> ); }; export default Today;


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// Today.module.scss .container { display: flex; flex-direction: column; align-items: center; } .title { font-size: 2rem; font-weight: bold; } .time { font-size: 1.5rem; margin-bottom: 0; }
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有几个地方需要调整一下: 1. 使用dayjs 和 ms模块来处理时间 2. 页面中显示的文案需要使用中文。


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// Today.tsx import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react'; import styles from './Today.module.scss'; import { Line } from 'react-chartjs-2'; import dayjs from 'dayjs'; import ms from 'ms'; const Today: React.FC = () => { const [time, setTime] = useState(''); const [date, setDate] = useState(''); const [dayOfYear, setDayOfYear] = useState(0); const [weekOfYear, setWeekOfYear] = useState(0); const [todayProgress, setTodayProgress] = useState(0); const [weekProgress, setWeekProgress] = useState(0); const [yearProgress, setYearProgress] = useState(0); useEffect(() => { const interval = setInterval(updateTimeAndDate, 1000); return () => clearInterval(interval); }, []); const updateTimeAndDate = () => { const now = dayjs(); const timeString = now.format('HH:mm:ss'); const dateString = now.format('YYYY-MM-DD'); setTime(timeString); setDate(dateString); const startOfYear = now.startOf('year'); const diffInMilliseconds = now.diff(startOfYear); const diffInDays = Math.ceil(ms(diffInMilliseconds, { long: true }) / 86400000); const diffInWeeks = Math.ceil(diffInDays / 7); setDayOfYear(diffInDays); setWeekOfYear(diffInWeeks); const todayProgress = now.diff(now.startOf('day'), 'second') / 86400; const weekProgress = now.diff(now.startOf('week'), 'day') / 7; const yearProgress = now.diff(now.startOf('year'), 'day') / (isLeapYear(now.year()) ? 366 : 365); setTodayProgress(todayProgress * 100); setWeekProgress(weekProgress * 100); setYearProgress(yearProgress * 100); }; const isLeapYear = (year: number): boolean => { return (year % 4 === 0 && year % 100 !== 0) || year % 400 === 0; }; const chartData = (label: string, progress: number) => { return { labels: [label, ''], datasets: [ { data: [progress, 100 - progress], backgroundColor: ['#36A2EB', '#F0F0F0'], }, ], }; }; return ( <div className={styles.container}> <h1 className={styles.title}>今天</h1> <p className={styles.time}>{time}</p> <p className={}>{date}</p> <p className={}> 第 {dayOfYear} 天, 第 {weekOfYear} 周 </p> <Line data={() => chartData('今天进度百分比', todayProgress)} /> <Line data={() => chartData('本周进度百分比', weekProgress)} /> <Line data={() => chartData('当年进度百分比', yearProgress)} /> </div> ); }; export default Today;


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最后需要改正一点,组件需要使用Layout包括一下,从这里导入:import Layout from '@theme/Layout';


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// Today.tsx import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react'; import styles from './Today.module.scss'; import { Line } from 'react-chartjs-2'; import dayjs from 'dayjs'; import ms from 'ms'; import Layout from '@theme/Layout'; const Today: React.FC = () => { const [time, setTime] = useState(''); const [date, setDate] = useState(''); const [dayOfYear, setDayOfYear] = useState(0); const [weekOfYear, setWeekOfYear] = useState(0); const [todayProgress, setTodayProgress] = useState(0); const [weekProgress, setWeekProgress] = useState(0); const [yearProgress, setYearProgress] = useState(0); useEffect(() => { const interval = setInterval(updateTimeAndDate, 1000); return () => clearInterval(interval); }, []); const updateTimeAndDate = () => { const now = dayjs(); const timeString = now.format('HH:mm:ss'); const dateString = now.format('YYYY-MM-DD'); setTime(timeString); setDate(dateString); const startOfYear = now.startOf('year'); const diffInMilliseconds = now.diff(startOfYear); const diffInDays = Math.ceil(ms(diffInMilliseconds, { long: true }) / 86400000); const diffInWeeks = Math.ceil(diffInDays / 7); setDayOfYear(diffInDays); setWeekOfYear(diffInWeeks); const todayProgress = now.diff(now.startOf('day'), 'second') / 86400; const weekProgress = now.diff(now.startOf('week'), 'day') / 7; const yearProgress = now.diff(now.startOf('year'), 'day') / (isLeapYear(now.year()) ? 366 : 365); setTodayProgress(todayProgress * 100); setWeekProgress(weekProgress * 100); setYearProgress(yearProgress * 100); }; const isLeapYear = (year: number): boolean => { return (year % 4 === 0 && year % 100 !== 0) || year % 400 === 0; }; const chartData = (label: string, progress: number) => { return { labels: [label, ''], datasets: [ { data: [progress, 100 - progress], backgroundColor: ['#36A2EB', '#F0F0F0'], }, ], }; }; return ( <Layout> <div className={styles.container}> <h1 className={styles.title}>今天</h1> <p className={styles.time}>{time}</p> <p className={}>{date}</p> <p className={}> 第 {dayOfYear} 天, 第 {weekOfYear} 周 </p> <Line data={() => chartData('今天进度百分比', todayProgress)} /> <Line data={() => chartData('本周进度百分比', weekProgress)} /> <Line data={() => chartData('当年进度百分比', yearProgress)} /> </div> </Layout> ); }; export default Today;


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你上面给的代码,遇到了这个报错。 你检查一下是不是数据搞错了 Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'map') TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'map') at setDatasets (webpack-internal:///./node_modules/react-chartjs-2/dist/index.js:41:41) at cloneData (webpack-internal:///./node_modules/react-chartjs-2/dist/index.js:62:5) at renderChart (webpack-internal:///./node_modules/react-chartjs-2/dist/index.js:104:19) at eval (webpack-internal:///./node_modules/react-chartjs-2/dist/index.js:166:9)


首先,确保已安装react-chartjs-2库。然后,将Today.tsx文件中的import { Line } from 'react-chartjs-2';更改为import { Doughnut } from 'react-chartjs-2';

接下来,将Today.tsx文件中的所有<Line />组件替换为<Doughnut />组件,如下所示:

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... return ( <Layout> <div className={styles.container}> <h1 className={styles.title}>今天</h1> <p className={styles.time}>{time}</p> <p className={}>{date}</p> <p className={}> 第 {dayOfYear} 天, 第 {weekOfYear} 周 </p> <Doughnut data={() => chartData('今天进度百分比', todayProgress)} /> <Doughnut data={() => chartData('本周进度百分比', weekProgress)} /> <Doughnut data={() => chartData('当年进度百分比', yearProgress)} /> </div> </Layout> ); ...


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根据你的代码修改了,还有报错,请根据错误信息,调整一下chartData的逻辑: <div> <h1>今天</h1> <p>{time}</p> <p>{date}</p> <p> 第 {dayOfYear} 天, 第 {weekOfYear} 周 </p> chartData('今天进度百分比', todayProgress)} /&gt; chartData('本周进度百分比', weekProgress)} /&gt; chartData('当年进度百分比', yearProgress)} /&gt; </div>


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const chartData = (label: string, progress: number) => { return { labels: ['', label], datasets: [ { label: label, data: [0, progress, 100], backgroundColor: ['#36A2EB'], borderColor: ['#36A2EB'], borderWidth: 2, pointRadius: 0, pointHitRadius: 10, fill: false, }, ], }; };


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// Today.tsx import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react'; import styles from './Today.module.scss'; import { Line } from 'react-chartjs-2'; import dayjs from 'dayjs'; import ms from 'ms'; import Layout from '@theme/Layout'; const Today: React.FC = () => { const [time, setTime] = useState(''); const [date, setDate] = useState(''); const [dayOfYear, setDayOfYear] = useState(0); const [weekOfYear, setWeekOfYear] = useState(0); const [todayProgress, setTodayProgress] = useState(0); const [weekProgress, setWeekProgress] = useState(0); const [yearProgress, setYearProgress] = useState(0); useEffect(() => { const interval = setInterval(updateTimeAndDate, 1000); return () => clearInterval(interval); }, []); const updateTimeAndDate = () => { const now = dayjs(); const timeString = now.format('HH:mm:ss'); const dateString = now.format('YYYY-MM-DD'); setTime(timeString); setDate(dateString); const startOfYear = now.startOf('year'); const diffInMilliseconds = now.diff(startOfYear); const diffInDays = Math.ceil(ms(diffInMilliseconds, { long: true }) / 86400000); const diffInWeeks = Math.ceil(diffInDays / 7); setDayOfYear(diffInDays); setWeekOfYear(diffInWeeks); const todayProgress = now.diff(now.startOf('day'), 'second') / 86400; const weekProgress = now.diff(now.startOf('week'), 'day') / 7; const yearProgress = now.diff(now.startOf('year'), 'day') / (isLeapYear(now.year()) ? 366 : 365); setTodayProgress(todayProgress * 100); setWeekProgress(weekProgress * 100); setYearProgress(yearProgress * 100); }; const isLeapYear = (year: number): boolean => { return (year % 4 === 0 && year % 100 !== 0) || year % 400 === 0; }; const chartData = (label: string, progress: number) => { return { labels: ['', label], datasets: [ { label: label, data: [0, progress, 100], backgroundColor: ['#36A2EB'], borderColor: ['#36A2EB'], borderWidth: 2, pointRadius: 0, pointHitRadius: 10, fill: false, }, ], }; }; return (
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根据你的代码修改还有错误: <div> <h1>今天</h1> <p>{time}</p> <p>{date}</p> <p> 第 {dayOfYear} 天, 第 {weekOfYear} 周 </p> chartData('今天进度百分比', todayProgress)} /&gt; chartData('本周进度百分比', weekProgress)} /&gt; chartData('当年进度百分比', yearProgress)} /&gt; </div> 请直接告诉我正确的代码,不需要解释过程


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// Today.tsx import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react'; import styles from './Today.module.scss'; import { Line } from 'react-chartjs-2'; import dayjs from 'dayjs'; import ms from 'ms'; import Layout from '@theme/Layout'; const Today: React.FC = () => { const [time, setTime] = useState(''); const [date, setDate] = useState(''); const [dayOfYear, setDayOfYear] = useState(0); const [weekOfYear, setWeekOfYear] = useState(0); const [todayProgress, setTodayProgress] = useState(0); const [weekProgress, setWeekProgress] = useState(0); const [yearProgress, setYearProgress] = useState(0); useEffect(() => { const interval = setInterval(updateTimeAndDate, 1000); return () => clearInterval(interval); }, []); const updateTimeAndDate = () => { const now = dayjs(); const timeString = now.format('HH:mm:ss'); const dateString = now.format('YYYY-MM-DD'); setTime(timeString); setDate(dateString); const startOfYear = now.startOf('year'); const diffInMilliseconds = now.diff(startOfYear); const diffInDays = Math.ceil(ms(diffInMilliseconds, { long: true }) / 86400000); const diffInWeeks = Math.ceil(diffInDays / 7); setDayOfYear(diffInDays); setWeekOfYear(diffInWeeks); const todayProgress = now.diff(now.startOf('day'), 'second') / 86400; const weekProgress = now.diff(now.startOf('week'), 'day') / 7; const yearProgress = now.diff(now.startOf('year'), 'day') / (isLeapYear(now.year()) ? 366 : 365); setTodayProgress(todayProgress * 100); setWeekProgress(weekProgress * 100); setYearProgress(yearProgress * 100); }; const isLeapYear = (year: number): boolean => { return (year % 4 === 0 && year % 100 !== 0) || year % 400 === 0; }; const chartData = (label: string, progress: number) => { return { labels: ['', label], datasets: [ { label: label, data: [0, progress, 100], backgroundColor: ['#36A2EB'], borderColor: ['#36A2EB'], borderWidth: 2, pointRadius: 0, pointHitRadius: 10, fill: false, }, ], }; }; return ( <Layout> <div className={styles.container}> <h1 className={styles.title}>今天</h1> <p className={styles.time}>{time}</p> <p className={}>{date}</p> <p className={}> 第 {dayOfYear} 天, 第 {weekOfYear} 周 </p> <Line data={chartData('今天进度百分比', todayProgress)} /> <Line data={chartData('本周进度百分比', weekProgress)} /> <Line data={chartData('当年进度百分比', yearProgress)} /> </div> </Layout> ); }; export default Today;


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你上面的代码,解决了刚刚的问题。 又遇到了新的问题: "category" is not a registered scale. at Registry._get (webpack-internal:///./node_modules/chart.js/dist/chart.js:5080:19) at Registry.getScale (webpack-internal:///./node_modules/chart.js/dist/chart.js:5033:21) at eval (webpack-internal:///./node_modules/chart.js/dist/chart.js:5791:45) at each (webpack-internal:///./node_modules/chart.js/dist/chunks/helpers.segment.js:221:20) at Chart.buildOrUpdateScales (webpack-internal:///./node_modules/chart.js/dist/chart.js:57


tsxCopy code
const chartData = (label: string, progress: number) => { return { labels: ['', label], datasets: [ { label: label, data: [0, progress, 100], backgroundColor: ['#36A2EB'], borderColor: ['#36A2EB'], borderWidth: 2, pointRadius: 0, pointHitRadius: 10, fill: false, }, ], options: { scales: { x: { type: 'category', }, y: { type: 'linear', min: 0, max: 100, }, }, }, }; };


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根据你上面的代码修改,还有这个报错。 请重新修复一下问题,直接告诉我代码就好,不需要解释过程 const chartData = (label: string, progress: number) =&gt; { return { labels: ['', label], datasets: [ { label: label, data: [0, progress, 100], backgroundColor: ['#36A2EB'], borderColor: ['#36A2EB'], borderWidth: 2, pointRadius: 0, pointHitRadius: 10, fill: false, }, ], }; };


tsxCopy code
const chartData = (label: string, progress: number) => { return { labels: ['', label], datasets: [ { label: label, data: [0, progress, 100], backgroundColor: ['#36A2EB'], borderColor: ['#36A2EB'], borderWidth: 2, pointRadius: 0, pointHitRadius: 10, fill: false, }, ], }; }; const chartOptions = { scales: { x: { type: 'category', }, y: { type: 'linear', min: 0, max: 100, }, }, }; // ... return ( <Layout> <div className={styles.container}> {/* ... */} <Line data={chartData('今天进度百分比', todayProgress)} options={chartOptions} /> <Line data={chartData('本周进度百分比', weekProgress)} options={chartOptions} /> <Line data={chartData('当年进度百分比', yearProgress)} options={chartOptions} /> </div> </Layout> );
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还是这个错误。 "category" is not a registered scale. at Registry._get (webpack-internal:///./node_modules/chart.js/dist/chart.js:5080:19) at Registry.getScale (webpack-internal:///./node_modules/chart.js/dist/chart.js:5033:21) at eval (webpack-internal:///./node_modules/chart.js/dist/chart.js:5791:45) at each (webpack-internal:///./node_modules/chart.js/dist/chunks/helpers.segment.js:221:20) at Chart.buildOrUpdateScales (webpack-internal:///./node_modules/chart.js/dist/chart.js:5778:70) at Chart._updateScales (webpack-internal:///./node_modules/chart.js/dist/chart.js:5930:14) at Chart.update (webpack-internal:///./node_modules/chart.js/dist/chart.js:5886:14) at new Chart (webpack-internal:///./node_modules/chart.js/dist/chart.js:5666:18) at renderChart (webpack-internal:///./node_modules/react-chartjs-2/dist/index.js:102:28) at eval (webpack-internal:///./node_modules/react-chartjs-2/dist/index.js:166:9) 而且你新增的options 还有ts错误 Type '{ scales: { x: { type: string; }; y: { type: string; min: number; max: number; }; }; }' is not assignable to type '_DeepPartialObject &amp; ElementChartOptions&lt;"line"&gt; &amp; PluginChartOptions&lt;"line"&gt; &amp; DatasetChartOptions&lt;"line"&gt; &amp; ScaleChartOptions&lt;...&gt; &amp; LineControllerChartOptions&gt;'. Types of property 'scales' are incompatible. Type '{ x: { type: string; }; y: { type: string; min: number; max: number; }; }' is not assignable to type '_DeepPartialObject&lt;{ [key: string]: ScaleOptionsByType; }&gt;'. Property 'x' is incompatible with index signature. Type '{ type: string; }' is not assignable to type '_DeepPartialObject&lt;{ type: "time"; } &amp; Omit &amp; { min: string | number; max: string | number; suggestedMin: string | number; ... 5 more ...; ticks: { ...; }; }&gt; | _DeepPartialObject&lt;...&gt; | _DeepPartialObject&lt;...&gt; | _DeepPartialObject&lt;...&gt; | _DeepPartialObject&lt;...&gt;'. Type '{ type: string; }' is not assignable to type '_DeepPartialObject&lt;{ type: "timeseries"; } &amp; Omit &amp; { min: string | number; max: string | number; suggestedMin: string | number; ... 5 more ...; ticks: { ...; }; }&gt;'. Types of property 'type' are incompatible. Type 'string' is not assignable to type '"timeseries"'.


tsxCopy code
const chartData = (label: string, progress: number) => { return { labels: ['', label], datasets: [ { label: label, data: [0, progress, 100], backgroundColor: ['#36A2EB'], borderColor: ['#36A2EB'], borderWidth: 2, pointRadius: 0, pointHitRadius: 10, fill: false, }, ], }; }; const chartOptions = { scales: { xAxes: [ { type: 'category', }, ], yAxes: [ { type: 'linear', ticks: { min: 0, max: 100, }, }, ], }, }; // ... return ( <Layout> <div className={styles.container}> {/* ... */} <Line data={chartData('今天进度百分比', todayProgress)} options={chartOptions} /> <Line data={chartData('本周进度百分比', weekProgress)} options={chartOptions} /> <Line data={chartData('当年进度百分比', yearProgress)} options={chartOptions} /> </div> </Layout> );


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你上面的代码还有错误,使用Pie 这个组件来绘制饼图吧。 参考下面demo,来显示百分比: import React from 'react'; import { Chart as ChartJS, ArcElement, Tooltip, Legend } from 'chart.js'; import { Pie } from 'react-chartjs-2'; ChartJS.register(ArcElement, Tooltip, Legend); export const data = { labels: ['Red', 'Blue', 'Yellow', 'Green', 'Purple', 'Orange'], datasets: [ { label: '# of Votes', data: [12, 19, 3, 5, 2, 3], backgroundColor: [ 'rgba(255, 99, 132, 0.2)', 'rgba(54, 162, 235, 0.2)', 'rgba(255, 206, 86, 0.2)', 'rgba(75, 192, 192, 0.2)', 'rgba(153, 102, 255, 0.2)', 'rgba(255, 159, 64, 0.2)', ], borderColor: [ 'rgba(255, 99, 132, 1)', 'rgba(54, 162, 235, 1)', 'rgba(255, 206, 86, 1)', 'rgba(75, 192, 192, 1)', 'rgba(153, 102, 255, 1)', 'rgba(255, 159, 64, 1)', ], borderWidth: 1, }, ], }; export function App() { return ; }


tsxCopy code
import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react"; import dayjs from "dayjs"; import "dayjs/locale/zh-cn"; import weekOfYear from "dayjs/plugin/weekOfYear"; import duration from "dayjs/plugin/duration"; import advancedFormat from "dayjs/plugin/advancedFormat"; import Layout from "@theme/Layout"; import styles from "./today.module.scss"; import { Pie } from "react-chartjs-2"; import { Chart as ChartJS, ArcElement, Tooltip, Legend } from "chart.js"; dayjs.locale("zh-cn"); dayjs.extend(weekOfYear); dayjs.extend(duration); dayjs.extend(advancedFormat); ChartJS.register(ArcElement, Tooltip, Legend); const Today: React.FC = () => { const [time, setTime] = useState(dayjs().format("HH:mm:ss")); const [date, setDate] = useState(dayjs().format("YYYY-MM-DD")); const now = dayjs(); const startOfYear = dayjs().startOf("year"); const dayOfYear = now.diff(startOfYear, "day") + 1; const weekOfYear = now.week(); const todayProgress = (now.hour() * 60 + now.minute()) / (24 * 60); const weekProgress = / 7; const yearProgress = dayOfYear / dayjs().daysInYear(); useEffect(() => { const timer = setInterval(() => { setTime(dayjs().format("HH:mm:ss")); }, 1000); return () => { clearInterval(timer); }; }, []); const pieChartData = (label: string, progress: number) => { return { labels: [label, "剩余"], datasets: [ { data: [progress * 100, 100 - progress * 100], backgroundColor: ["#36A2EB", "#E0E0E0"], borderColor: ["#36A2EB", "#E0E0E0"], borderWidth: 1, }, ], }; }; return ( <Layout> <div className={styles.container}> <h1 className={styles.title}>今天</h1> <p className={styles.time}>{time}</p> <p className={}>{date}</p> <p className={}> 第 {dayOfYear} 天, 第 {weekOfYear} 周 </p> <Pie data={() => pieChartData("今天进度百分比", todayProgress)} /> <Pie data={() => pieChartData("本周进度百分比", weekProgress)} /> <Pie data={() => pieChartData("当年进度百分比", yearProgress)} /> </div> </Layout> ); }; export default Today;


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遇到了报错:dayjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1___default(...)(...).daysInYear is not a function TypeError: dayjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1___default(...)(...).daysInYear is not a function


  1. 首先,在代码的开头部分,导入dayjsisLeapYear插件:
javascriptCopy code
import isLeapYear from "dayjs/plugin/isLeapYear";
  1. 接下来,在dayjs的扩展部分,添加这个插件:
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  1. 最后,将yearProgress的计算方法修改为:
javascriptCopy code
const yearProgress = dayOfYear / (dayjs().isLeapYear() ? 366 : 365);


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import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react"; import dayjs from "dayjs"; import "dayjs/locale/zh-cn"; import weekOfYear from "dayjs/plugin/weekOfYear"; import duration from "dayjs/plugin/duration"; import advancedFormat from "dayjs/plugin/advancedFormat"; import isLeapYear from "dayjs/plugin/isLeapYear"; import Layout from "@theme/Layout"; import styles from "./today.module.scss"; import { Pie } from "react-chartjs-2"; import { Chart as ChartJS, ArcElement, Tooltip, Legend } from "chart.js"; dayjs.locale("zh-cn"); dayjs.extend(weekOfYear); dayjs.extend(duration); dayjs.extend(advancedFormat); dayjs.extend(isLeapYear); ChartJS.register(ArcElement, Tooltip, Legend); const Today: React.FC = () => { const [time, setTime] = useState(dayjs().format("HH:mm:ss")); const [date, setDate] = useState(dayjs().format("YYYY-MM-DD")); const now = dayjs(); const startOfYear = dayjs().startOf("year"); const dayOfYear = now.diff(startOfYear, "day") + 1; const weekOfYear = now.week(); const todayProgress = (now.hour() * 60 + now.minute()) / (24 * 60); const weekProgress = / 7; const yearProgress = dayOfYear / (dayjs().isLeapYear() ? 366 : 365); useEffect(() => { const timer = setInterval(() => { setTime(dayjs().format("HH:mm:ss")); }, 1000); return () => { clearInterval(timer); }; }, []); const pieChartData = (label: string, progress: number) => { return { labels: [label, "剩余"], datasets: [ { data: [progress * 100, 100 - progress * 100], backgroundColor: ["#36A2EB", "#E0E0E0"], borderColor: ["#36A2EB", "#E0E0E0"], borderWidth: 1, }, ], }; }; return ( <Layout> <div className={styles.container}> <h1 className={styles.title}>今天</h1> <p className={styles.time}>{time}</p> <p className={}>{date}</p> <p className={}> 第 {dayOfYear} 天, 第 {weekOfYear} 周 </p> <Pie data={() => pieChartData("今天进度百分比", todayProgress)} /> <Pie data={() => pieChartData("本周进度百分
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为了将三个图表放在同一行显示,可以对CSS样式进行一些调整。在 today.module.scss 文件中,添加如下样式:

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.graphsContainer { display: flex; justify-content: space-around; align-items: center; flex-wrap: wrap; } .graphWrapper { flex: 1; max-width: 32%; min-width: 300px; margin-bottom: 20px; }


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<div className={styles.graphsContainer}> <div className={styles.graphWrapper}> <Pie data={() => pieChartData("今天进度百分比", todayProgress)} /> </div> <div className={styles.graphWrapper}> <Pie data={() => pieChartData("本周进度百分比", weekProgress)} /> </div> <div className={styles.graphWrapper}> <Pie data={() => pieChartData("当年进度百分比", yearProgress)} /> </div> </div>


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帮我修改一下饼图的配色, 剩余部分和进度颜色互换一下。 仅给我改动后的部分代码即可。

好的,这是修改后的配色代码。将这段代码替换 pieChartData 函数中的 backgroundColorborderColor

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backgroundColor: [ progressColor, remainingColor, ], borderColor: [ progressBorderColor, remainingBorderColor, ],

其中,progressColorprogressBorderColor 是进度的颜色,remainingColorremainingBorderColor 是剩余部分的颜色。你可以根据需要自定义这些颜色值。

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帮我把labels,data,backgroundcolor,bordercolor 字段中的数组的内容reverse一下: return { labels: [label, '剩余'], datasets: [ { data: [progress * 100, 100 - progress * 100], backgroundColor: [remainingcolor, progresscolor], borderColor: [remainingcolor, progresscolor], borderWidth: 1, }, ], };


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return { labels: ['剩余', label], datasets: [ { data: [100 - progress * 100, progress * 100], backgroundColor: [remainingColor, progressColor], borderColor: [remainingColor, progressColor], borderWidth: 1, }, ], };

现在,labelsdatabackgroundColorborderColor 数组的内容都已经按照您的要求反转。

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remainingcolor和progresscolor 需要互换,保持大小写,你没有。

抱歉刚才理解错了您的需求。这是已经将 remainingColorprogressColor 互换的修改后的代码片段:

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return { labels: ['剩余', label], datasets: [ { data: [100 - progress * 100, progress * 100], backgroundColor: [progressColor, remainingColor], borderColor: [progressColor, remainingColor], borderWidth: 1, }, ], };

现在,remainingColorprogressColor 已经互换,应该符合您的要求。