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Describe the origin, use, influence, and mechanics of a code or cipher of your choice. Your response should be between 1000 and 1500 words. Be sure to interest your reader in your chosen code or cipher and explain the mechanics of your code or cipher (enciphering, deciphering, and decryption) in ways your reader can understand. Be clear, precise, and concise. And cite your sources.

Title: The Enigma Machine: An Ingenious Cipher that Shaped World History

The Enigma machine, a fascinating cipher device, played a pivotal role in World War II. Its origin, use, influence, and mechanics offer a captivating glimpse into the world of cryptography and its impact on global events.


The Enigma machine was invented by a German engineer, Arthur Scherbius, in the aftermath of World War I. Scherbius aimed to create a device that could provide secure communication, a critical need in a world increasingly reliant on telegraph and radio transmissions. The Enigma machine was patented in 1918 and initially marketed for commercial use. However, its potential for military application was soon recognized, and by the early 1930s, it was adopted by the German military and other entities for secure communication (Kahn, 1996).


The Enigma machine was essentially a cipher device used to encrypt and decrypt secret messages. It was widely used by German forces during World War II for communication between units and command centers. The machine transformed plain text messages into cipher text, which could then be transmitted via morse code or other means without fear of interception. The recipient, equipped with an Enigma machine set with the same settings as the sender's, could then decrypt the message.


The Enigma machine had a profound influence on the course of World War II. The Germans believed the Enigma encryption to be unbreakable, which led them to use it extensively. However, the code was eventually broken by the Allies, led by British cryptanalysts at Bletchley Park. The intelligence gained from deciphering Enigma-encrypted messages, codenamed Ultra, provided the Allies with invaluable insights into German strategies and plans. Many historians argue that the breaking of the Enigma code significantly shortened the war and saved countless lives (Hinsley, 1996).


The Enigma machine's mechanics were both ingenious and complex. The machine resembled a typewriter and included a keyboard for input and a lampboard for output. The core of the machine was a set of rotating mechanical rotors, which scrambled the input to produce the cipher text.

When a key was pressed, an electrical signal would pass through the rotors, each of which would shift the signal to a different letter. This signal would then be reflected back through the rotors by a 'reflector', further scrambling the letter. The resulting letter would light up on the lampboard, providing the encrypted output. Each key press also caused at least one rotor to rotate, changing the electrical pathway and ensuring that the same plain text letter would be encrypted differently each time it was entered (Singh, 1999).

Deciphering the message required an Enigma machine with the same rotor and reflector settings as the original. When the cipher text was entered, it would pass through the rotors and reflector in reverse, producing the original plain text.


The decryption of the Enigma code was a monumental task. The machine's settings offered approximately 158 quintillion possible configurations, making a brute force approach infeasible. The breakthrough came when Polish cryptanalysts, led by Marian Rejewski, discovered that the Germans were using a predictable pattern in their message keys. This, combined with captured Enigma codebooks, allowed the Poles to reverse-engineer the machine and develop methods for decryption (Kozaczuk, 1984).

The work was later continued by the British at Bletchley Park, where a team led by Alan Turing developed the Bombe, a machine that automated the decryption process. The Bombe exploited a feature of the Enigma machine: no letter could be enciphered as itself. By checking for possible rotor settings that could produce a given piece of cipher text, the Bombe could rapidly eliminate incorrect settings and identify the correct ones (Copeland, 2006).


The Enigma machine stands as a testament to the power and influence of cryptography. Its complex mechanics and the efforts to break its code highlight the ongoing battle between code makers and code breakers. The story of the Enigma machine serves as a reminder of the critical role that information security plays in shaping world events.


  • Copeland, B. (Ed.). (2006). Alan Turing's Automatic Computing Engine. Oxford University Press.
  • Hinsley, F. H. (1996). Codebreaking and Signals Intelligence. Intelligence and National Security.
  • Kahn, D. (1996). The Codebreakers. Scribner.
  • Kozaczuk, W. (1984). Enigma: How the German Machine Cipher Was Broken, and How It Was Read by the Allies in World War Two. University Publications of America.
  • Singh, S. (1999). The Code Book: The Science of Secrecy from Ancient Egypt to Quantum Cryptography. Anchor.
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What are some other codes or ciphers from history?

There are many fascinating codes and ciphers that have been used throughout history. Here are a few notable examples:

  1. Caesar Cipher: Named after Julius Caesar, who reportedly used it for his private correspondence, the Caesar Cipher is a type of substitution cipher where each letter in the plaintext is shifted a certain number of places down the alphabet. For example, with a shift of 1, A would be replaced by B, B would become C, and so on.

  2. Atbash Cipher: This is a simple substitution cipher used in the Hebrew language. It involves replacing each letter with the letter from the opposite end of the alphabet, i.e., the first letter is replaced with the last letter, the second with the second last, and so on.

  3. Vigenère Cipher: Developed in the 16th century by Blaise de Vigenère, this is a method of encrypting alphabetic text by using a series of different Caesar ciphers based on the letters of a keyword. It is a simple form of polyalphabetic substitution.

  4. Scytale: Used by the ancient Greeks, a scytale is a tool used to perform a transposition cipher, where the text is written on a strip of parchment wound around an object of a specific diameter. When unwound, the text appears as a jumble, but when wound around an object of the same diameter, the original text appears.

  5. Zodiac Killer's Ciphers: The Zodiac Killer, who operated in Northern California in the late 1960s and early 1970s, sent several encrypted messages to local newspapers. While some have been cracked, others remain unsolved.

  6. Navajo Code: During World War II, the U.S. Marines used Navajo speakers to relay messages in the Pacific Theater. The Navajo language was unwritten and known by few outside the Navajo Nation, making it an effective code against Japanese code breakers.

  7. Voynich Manuscript: This early 15th-century manuscript is written in an unknown script and illustrated with bizarre pictures of unidentified plants, astronomical diagrams, and naked women. Despite the efforts of many cryptographers, the text remains a mystery.

  8. Enigma Machine: Used by the Germans during World War II, the Enigma machine is a cipher device that used a series of rotating wheels to scramble plaintext messages into ciphertext. The code was eventually broken by the Allies, significantly influencing the course of the war.

  9. RSA Encryption: In the realm of digital cryptography, RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman) is an algorithm used to encrypt and decrypt messages. It's widely used in electronic commerce protocols, and is considered to be a secure method of encryption.

Each of these codes and ciphers has its own unique history and application, and they collectively illustrate the evolution of cryptography over the centuries.

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Can you identity nine additional codes or ciphers from history?

Absolutely, here are nine additional codes and ciphers from history:

  1. Pigpen Cipher: Also known as the masonic cipher, Freemason's cipher, Napoleon cipher, and tic-tac-toe cipher, this is a geometric simple substitution cipher, which exchanges letters for symbols which are fragments of a grid.

  2. Playfair Cipher: Invented in 1854 by Charles Wheatstone but named after Lord Playfair who promoted its use. It's a manual symmetric encryption technique and was the first literal digraph substitution cipher. The scheme was invented in an effort to provide a more secure system than simple monoalphabetic substitutions.

  3. Baconian Cipher: A method of steganography (hiding a secret message within an ordinary message) created by Francis Bacon. This cipher uses a substitution of a different binary string for each letter of the alphabet.

  4. Hill Cipher: Invented by Lester S. Hill in 1929, it was the first polygraphic cipher in which it was practical (though barely) to operate on more than three symbols at once. The following discussion assumes an elementary knowledge of matrices.

  5. Rail Fence Cipher: In the rail fence cipher, the plaintext is written downwards on successive "rails" of an imaginary fence, then moving up when we reach the bottom. The message is then read off in rows.

  6. ROT13 ("rotate by 13 places"): A simple letter substitution cipher that replaces a letter with the 13th letter after it in the alphabet. ROT13 is a special case of the Caesar cipher which was developed in ancient Rome.

  7. Book Cipher: A type of cipher in which the key to the encryption is an agreed-upon book or text. The sender and receiver both have copies of the same book, and the sender writes down the location of words in the book that the receiver should string together to find the plaintext message.

  8. Great Cipher: Used by Louis XIV of France, the Great Cipher replaced letters with numbers, and was so complex that it remained unbroken for 200 years.

  9. Purple Cipher: Used by the Japanese during World War II, the Purple Cipher was an encryption machine that used telephone switch technology to scramble the alphabet. The United States was able to crack the code, leading to significant intelligence breakthroughs.

These ciphers and codes demonstrate the wide range of methods that have been used to secure communications throughout history.

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Describe the origin, use, influence, and mechanics of the Purple Cipher. Your response should be between 1000 and 1500 words. Be sure to interest your reader in your chosen code or cipher and explain the mechanics of your code or cipher (enciphering, deciphering, and decryption) in ways your reader can understand. Be clear, precise, and concise. And cite your sources.

Title: The Purple Cipher: Japan's Cryptographic Conundrum in World War II


The Purple Cipher, also known as "Purple," "Angooki Taipu B," or "Type B Cipher Machine," was a sophisticated cryptographic machine used by the Japanese Empire during World War II. The Purple Cipher was a successor to the earlier Red and Blue ciphers, and it was developed by the Japanese to secure their diplomatic communications. The cipher was named "Purple" by U.S. cryptanalysts because of the color of the binders used for the intercepted encrypted communications (Kahn, 1996).


The Purple Cipher was primarily used for diplomatic communications between the Japanese Foreign Ministry and its overseas embassies and consulates. The cipher was used to encrypt highly sensitive and strategic information, including military plans, diplomatic strategies, and intelligence reports. The encrypted messages were transmitted via radio, and the Japanese believed that the complexity of the Purple Cipher made it unbreakable (Budiansky, 2000).


The influence of the Purple Cipher on the course of World War II was significant. The Japanese used the cipher to transmit information about their strategic plans, including their intentions in the Pacific region. However, unbeknownst to the Japanese, U.S. cryptanalysts had managed to break the Purple Cipher. The intelligence gained from decrypting Purple-encrypted messages, codenamed "Magic," provided the Allies with invaluable insights into Japanese strategies and plans. This intelligence played a crucial role in several key events of the war, including the Battle of Midway, which marked a turning point in the Pacific War (Smith, 2000).


The mechanics of the Purple Cipher were complex and ingenious. The cipher machine used a system of rotating telephone stepping switches to scramble plaintext messages into ciphertext. The machine had two stages of encryption. In the first stage, the plaintext was converted into a numerical code using a standard Japanese telegraphic codebook. In the second stage, the numerical code was encrypted using the stepping switches (Kahn, 1996).

The stepping switches were arranged in two groups, with three switches in the first group and two in the second. Each switch had 25 positions, corresponding to the 25 possible characters in the numerical code (10 digits and 15 special characters). When a character was entered, the switches would rotate and change the electrical pathways, transforming the character into a different one. The first group of switches rotated irregularly, while the second group rotated regularly, adding another layer of complexity to the encryption (Budiansky, 2000).


The decryption of the Purple Cipher was a monumental achievement for U.S. cryptanalysis. The task was assigned to a team led by William Friedman at the U.S. Army's Signal Intelligence Service. The team did not have access to a Purple machine or any detailed information about its workings. However, they noticed patterns in the intercepted messages that suggested the use of stepping switches. By analyzing these patterns, they were able to deduce the structure of the machine and the operation of the switches (Smith, 2000).

The breakthrough came in August 1940, when the team managed to construct a replica of the Purple machine, which they called "Purple Analog." This machine could decrypt Purple-encrypted messages, provided that the initial settings of the switches were known. These settings were changed daily, but the team was able to determine them by analyzing the daily traffic of messages (Kahn, 1996).


The Purple Cipher stands as a testament to the sophistication of World War II-era cryptography and the skill of the cryptanalysts who managed to break it. The story of the Purple Cipher serves as a reminder of the critical role that cryptography plays in international relations and warfare. The successful decryption of the Purple Cipher not only provided the Allies with vital intelligence but also demonstrated the importance of investing in cryptographic research and development.


  • Budiansky, S. (2000). Battle of Wits: The Complete Story of Codebreaking in World War II. Free Press.
  • Kahn, D. (1996). The Codebreakers: The Comprehensive History of Secret Communication from Ancient Times to the Internet. Scribner.
  • Smith, M. (2000). The Emperor's Codes: The Breaking of Japan's Secret Ciphers. Arcade Publishing.
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Tell me an exciting story about the breaking of the Japanese Purple cipher.

Title: The Unseen War: Cracking the Japanese Purple Cipher

In the early days of World War II, a secret war was being waged, not on the battlefields, but in the quiet, meticulous rooms of cryptanalysts. The United States' Signal Intelligence Service (SIS), a small and relatively unknown unit, was tasked with a mission of paramount importance: to crack the Japanese diplomatic cipher, known as the Purple Cipher.

The Purple Cipher was a formidable foe. It was a complex machine that used telephone stepping switches to scramble messages into an unreadable format. The Japanese considered it unbreakable and used it to transmit their most sensitive and strategic information. However, unbeknownst to them, a team of cryptanalysts led by William Friedman was working tirelessly to unravel its secrets.

Friedman, a former geneticist turned cryptographer, was a pioneer in the field of cryptanalysis. He had already made significant contributions to the field, including the development of the first American cipher machine. But the Purple Cipher was a challenge of a different magnitude. The team did not have access to a Purple machine or any detailed information about its workings. They had only the intercepted encrypted messages to work with.

The team worked tirelessly, analyzing the patterns in the intercepted messages. They noticed that certain patterns suggested the use of stepping switches. By studying these patterns, they were able to deduce the structure of the machine and the operation of the switches. But the breakthrough seemed elusive, and the pressure was mounting as the war raged on.

Then, in August 1940, a glimmer of hope emerged. The team managed to construct a replica of the Purple machine, which they called "Purple Analog." This machine could decrypt Purple-encrypted messages, provided that the initial settings of the switches were known. These settings were changed daily, but the team was able to determine them by analyzing the daily traffic of messages.

The first decrypted message was a mundane report about Japanese embassy staff changes. But it was a moment of triumph for Friedman and his team. They had cracked the unbreakable cipher. Over the following months and years, the team decrypted countless messages, providing invaluable intelligence to the Allies.

One of the most significant pieces of intelligence came in 1941 when the team decrypted a message outlining the Japanese plan to attack Pearl Harbor. Unfortunately, the significance of the message was not recognized in time to prevent the attack. However, the intelligence gained from the Purple Cipher played a crucial role in several key events of the war, including the Battle of Midway, which marked a turning point in the Pacific War.

The story of the breaking of the Purple Cipher is a testament to the power of persistence, ingenuity, and teamwork. It demonstrates the critical role of cryptanalysis in warfare and the importance of investing in cryptographic research and development. The unseen heroes of the Signal Intelligence Service, led by William Friedman, made a significant contribution to the Allied victory in World War II. Their story serves as a reminder that wars are not only won on the battlefields but also in the quiet, meticulous rooms of cryptanalysts.