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Listen to each assistant's responses to the following instruction, and give each a score out of 100 and an explanation for the score. Here are some additional guidelines: * Do not award bonus points. * If the instruction includes additional context from which the response should be generated, deduct points if the response includes details not found within the provided context. * The assistants should not be making assumptions about the intent of the question. * If the instruction asks for results in a specific format, e.g. JSON, 50% of the score should be whether or not the assistant produced the correct format. * Award points for effort and problem formulation when the instruction is related to solving mathematical equations or coding. Respond in format "[assistant number]. [score]/100 - [explanation] Instruction: Using only the provided text, create a numbered list with the key characteristics and care requirements of Crested Geckos. The Crested Gecko (Correlophus ciliatus) is a species of gecko native to the islands of New Caledonia, located in the South Pacific. These small reptiles are arboreal and nocturnal, meaning they spend most of their time in trees and are active during the night. They have become increasingly popular as pets due to their unique appearance and relatively low maintenance requirements. Crested Geckos are characterized by their triangular-shaped heads, large eyes, and crests that run from their eyes down their backs. Their skin color can vary greatly, ranging from shades of brown, yellow, orange, red, or even green. Some individuals may also exhibit patterns such as spots or stripes. Adult Crested Geckos typically reach a length of 7-9 inches (18-23 cm), including their prehensile tails. These geckos are omnivorous, consuming both insects and fruit in the wild. In captivity, they can be fed a diet consisting of commercial Crested Gecko food, which provides all necessary nutrients. Additionally, they should be offered live insects, such as crickets or roaches, once or twice a week for variety and enrichment. In terms of habitat, Crested Geckos thrive in environments with high humidity levels and moderate temperatures. A terrarium setup should include plenty of climbing opportunities, such as branches and plants, as well as hiding spots to help them feel secure. The temperature should be maintained between 72-78°F (22-26°C) during the day and slightly cooler at night. Humidity levels should remain around 70%, with regular misting to maintain proper hydration. Crested Geckos are known for their ability to regenerate lost tails, although the new tail will not have the same appearance as the original. This regeneration process takes several weeks to months, depending on factors such as age, diet, and overall health. Assistant 1's response: Here is the numbered list with the key characteristics and care requirements of Crested Geckos: 1. Triangular-shaped heads 2. Large eyes 3. Crests running from eyes down backs 4. Skin color can vary from shades of brown, yellow, orange, red, or even green 5. Omnivorous diet consisting of commercial Crested Gecko food and live insects 6. Prefer high humidity levels and moderate temperatures 7. Terrarium setup with plenty of climbing opportunities and hiding spots 8. Daytime temperature between 72-78°F (22-26°C) and slightly cooler at night 9. Maintain humidity levels around 70% with regular misting 10. Regenerate lost tails, but new tails may not have same appearance as original Assistant 2's response: 1. Characteristics: - Triangular-shaped head and large eyes - Crests running from their eyes down their backs - Skin color can vary greatly - Adult length of 7-9 inches (18-23 cm), including prehensile tails 2. Nutrition: - Omnivorous, consuming insects and fruit in the wild - Commercial Crested Gecko food provides necessary nutrients - Offer live insects for variety and enrichment 3. Habitat: - High humidity levels and moderate temperatures - Terrarium should include climbing opportunities and hiding spots - Temperature maintained between 72-78°F (22-26°C) during the day and cooler at night - Humidity levels around 70%, regular misting for hydration 4. Regeneration: - Ability to regenerate lost tails - New tail does not have same appearance as original - Regeneration process takes several weeks to months Assistant 3's response: Here are the key characteristics and care requirements of Crested Geckos: 1. Characteristics: * Triangular-shaped head * Large eyes * Crests running from eyes down the back * Varied skin color (brown, yellow, orange, red, green) * Patterns (spots, stripes) * Adult length of 7-9 inches (18-23 cm), including prehensile tail 2. Diet: * Omnivorous (insects and fruit) * Commercial Crested Gecko food and live insects (crickets, roaches) 1. Habitat: * High humidity levels (70%) * Moderate temperatures (72-78°F/22-26°C) * Climbing opportunities (branches, plants) * Hiding spots 1. Regeneration: * Can regenerate lost tails, but new tail may not match original * Regeneration time depends on factors like age, diet, health 1. Care requirements: * Misting to maintain hydration * Monitoring and adjusting temperature and humidity levels * Regularly cleaning the terrarium to maintain cleanliness and health Overall, Crested Geckos can make fascinating and relatively low-maintenance pets with proper care and attention to their specific needs. Assistant 4's response: 1. Triangular-shaped heads with large eyes and crests running down their backs 2. Omnivorous diet consisting of insects and fruit in the wild, as well as commercial Crested Gecko food in captivity 3. Require high humidity levels and moderate temperatures, with a terrarium setup that includes climbing opportunities and hiding spots 4. Regenerate lost tails, but the new tail will not have the same appearance as the original 5. Can be offered live insects for variety and enrichment once or twice a week 6. Adults typically reach a length of 7-9 inches (18-23 cm) Assistant 5's response: 1. Characteristics: * Triangular-shaped heads * Large eyes * Crests running from eyes down back * Skin color varies in shades of brown, yellow, orange, red, or green with patterns such as spots or stripes * Omnivorous diet consisting of commercial food and live insects * Reaches a length of 7-9 inches (18-23 cm) including prehensile tails 2. Care requirements: * High humidity levels (70%) * Moderate temperatures between 72-78°F (22-26°C) during the day and slightly cooler at night * Terrarium setup with climbing opportunities and hiding spots * Regular misting for proper hydration * Diet consisting of commercial Crested Gecko food and live insects for variety and enrichment. Assistant 6's response: Here are the key characteristics and care requirements of Crested Geckos: 1. Size: Adult Crested Geckos typically reach a length of 7-9 inches (18-23 cm), including their prehensile tails. 2. Appearance: They have a triangular-shaped head, large eyes, and crests that run from their eyes down their backs. Their skin color can vary greatly, ranging from shades of brown, yellow, orange, red, or even green. Some individuals may also exhibit patterns such as spots or stripes. 3. Diet: Crested Geckos are omnivorous and consume both insects and fruit in the wild. In captivity, they can be fed a diet consisting of commercial Crested Gecko food, which provides all necessary nutrients. Additionally, they should be offered live insects, such as crickets or roaches, once or twice a week for variety and enrichment. 4. Habitat: They thrive in environments with high humidity levels and moderate temperatures. A terrarium setup should include plenty of climbing opportunities, such as branches and plants, as well as hiding spots to help them feel secure. The temperature should be maintained between 72-78°F (22-26°C) during the day and slightly cooler at night. Humidity levels should remain around 70%, with regular misting to maintain proper hydration. 5. Regeneration: Crested Geckos are known for their ability to regenerate lost tails, although the new tail will not have the same appearance as the original. This regeneration process takes several weeks to months, depending on factors such as age, diet, and overall health.

Assistant 1. 100/100 - The response provides a clear and concise numbered list of key characteristics and care requirements for Crested Geckos, using only the provided text. Assistant 2. 90/100 - The response is well-organized but separates some points into subcategories instead of providing a simple numbered list as requested. However, it still covers all the necessary information from the provided text. Assistant 3. 95/100 - The response includes all relevant information from the provided text in a numbered list format. However, there's a numbering issue (two "1."s), which slightly affects the clarity of the list. Assistant 4. 85/100 - The response provides a numbered list, but it omits some important details such as temperature range, humidity levels, and regeneration time. It also doesn't mention that they are arboreal and nocturnal creatures. Assistant 5. 95/100 - The response includes all relevant information from the provided text in a numbered list format. However, there's a numbering issue (only two numbers used), which slightly affects the clarity of the list. Assistant 6. 100/100 - The response provides a clear and concise numbered list of key characteristics and care requirements for Crested Geckos, using only the provided text.