Avatar of the person chatting

clean this mess up and make it typescript window.addEventListener("message", (event)=>{ if(event.data.imageProps) ImagePopup.showWithProps(event.data.imageProps); }); window.ImagePopup = { sendToParent: false, element: null, dims: {}, showWithProps: function ( props // url, geometry, etc with loose json format ) { var self = this; if(this.sendToParent) { window.top.postMessage({imageProps: props},'*'); return; } if(window.opener) { window.opener.postMessage({imageProps: props},'*'); return; } var style = { position: 'fixed', zIndex: '999999999999' }; let creatingAnew = !this.element; if(creatingAnew) { this.element = document.createElement('IMG'); this.element.src = props.url; this.element.onclick= () => { this.element.parentNode.removeChild(this.element); this.element = null; this.dims = {}; } } if(props.url) { this.element.src = props.url; } if(props.dims) { var width = window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.body.clientWidth; var height = window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight || document.body.clientHeight; // transition = 'transform ' + animDuration + 's ease-in-out' if(props.dims.x) { style.left = (typeof (props.dims.x) == 'number') ? Math.round(props.dims.x*width) + 'px': props.dims.x; this.dims.x = props.dims.x; } else { style.left = '0'; } if(props.dims.y) { style.top = (typeof (props.dims.y) == 'number') ? Math.round(props.dims.y*height) + 'px' : props.dims.y; this.dims.y = props.dims.y; } else { style.top = '0'; } if(props.dims.w) { style.width = (typeof (props.dims.w) == 'number') ? Math.round(props.dims.w*width) + 'px': props.dims.w; this.dims.w = props.dims.w; } if(props.dims.h) { style.height = (typeof (props.dims.h) == 'number') ? Math.round(props.dims.h * height) + 'px' : props.dims.h; this.dims.h = props.dims.h; } } if(props.backgroundColor) { style.backgroundColor = props.backgroundColor; } if(creatingAnew) { document.body.appendChild(this.element); } let applyStyles = () => { for(var i in style) { this.element.style[i] = style[i]; } }; if(props.transitionTime && !creatingAnew) { this.element.addEventListener('transitionend', ()=>{}, false); this.element.style.transition = 'all ' + props.transitionTime + 's ease-in'; applyStyles() var forceReflow = this.element.offsetHeight; } else { this.element.style.transition = ''; applyStyles (); } } };

Here's the equivalent code in TypeScript:

window.addEventListener("message", (event) => { if (event.data.imageProps) { ImagePopup.showWithProps(event.data.imageProps); } }); interface ImagePopupProps { url: string; dims?: { x?: string | number; y?: string | number; w?: string | number; h?: string | number; }; backgroundColor?: string; transitionTime?: number; } interface ImagePopup { sendToParent: boolean; element: HTMLImageElement | null; dims: { x?: string | number; y?: string | number; w?: string | number; h?: string | number; }; showWithProps(props: ImagePopupProps): void; } const ImagePopup: ImagePopup = { sendToParent: false, element: null, dims: {}, showWithProps(props) { if (this.sendToParent) { window.top.postMessage({ imageProps: props }, "*"); return; } if (window.opener) { window.opener.postMessage({ imageProps: props }, "*"); return; } const style: { [key: string]: string | number } = { position: "fixed", zIndex: "999999999999", }; const creatingAnew = !this.element; if (creatingAnew) { this.element = document.createElement("IMG"); this.element.src = props.url; this.element.onclick = () => { this.element.parentNode.removeChild(this.element); this.element = null; this.dims = {}; }; } if (props.url) { this.element.src = props.url; } if (props.dims) { const width = window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.body.clientWidth; const height = window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight || document.body.clientHeight; if (props.dims.x) { style.left = typeof props.dims.x === "number" ? `${Math.round(props.dims.x * width)}px` : props.dims.x; this.dims.x = props.dims.x; } else { style.left = "0"; } if (props.dims.y) { style.top = typeof props.dims.y === "number" ? `${Math.round(props.dims.y * height)}px` : props.dims.y; this.dims.y = props.dims.y; } else { style.top = "0"; }
Avatar of the person chatting


if (props.dims.w) { style.width = typeof props.dims.w === "number" ? ${Math.round(props.dims.w * width)}px : props.dims.w; this.dims.w = props.dims.w; } if (props.dims.h) { style.height = typeof props.dims.h === "number" ? ${Math.round(props.dims.h * height)}px : props.dims.h; this.dims.h = props.dims.h; } } if (props.backgroundColor) { style.backgroundColor = props.backgroundColor; } if (creatingAnew) { document.body.appendChild(this.element); }

const applyStyles = () => { for (const i in style) { this.element.style[i] = style[i]; } }; if (props.transitionTime && !creatingAnew) { this.element.addEventListener("transitionend", () => {}, false);

this.element.style.transition = `all ${props.transitionTime}s ease-in`; applyStyles(); const forceReflow = this.element.offsetHeight;

} else { this.element.style.transition = ""; applyStyles(); } }, };