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Explain "the problem of pluralism" as articulated by John Rawls in _Political Liberalism_ to a third grader.

The problem of pluralism is when there are many different groups of people with different beliefs and ideas about how society should be run. John Rawls, a philosopher, wrote about how it can be hard for these groups to agree on what is fair and just for everyone. It's like trying to make a big group project, but everyone wants to do it their own way. So, Rawls thought about how to make sure everyone is treated fairly, even if they don't agree on everything.

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Make it more fun

Imagine you're at a big party and everyone wants to play a different game. Some people want to play tag, some people want to play video games, and some people want to play charades. It can be hard to decide what game to play because not everyone likes the same thing. But, just like at the party, we want to make sure that everyone has fun, right? That's kind of like what John Rawls was talking about in his book Political Liberalism. He was trying to figure out how to make sure that everyone is happy and treated fairly, even if they want different things. Like how we can make a fun game that everyone can play together.